Author Topic: Helping With Customization / Script - Resent Missed Email  (Read 4395 times)


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Helping With Customization / Script - Resent Missed Email
« on: May 28, 2005, 11:00:27 am »
Hey All

I have been using ListMail for a long while and it';s great, I have made one script to go along with it - for uses to update thier email whenver they want to (for some reason a lot of my subscribers were chaning email addresses).

I just put a new link in the "message codes" that had a link to the script followed by there "unique id", this grabbed the data from the DB and gave the user a filled in form they could use to change thier name and/or email.

Then I got another problem. I am using ListMail to sent weekly "tips" to my subscribers, so far I have 60 weeks.. the problem now is some users as asking me to resend an email or two that they missed or deleted.

I am "somewhat" familuar with PHP (I was able to write a script for them to update thier email) but I am at a loose as to how I can go about a script that they could use to get an email sent to them (say a form, they just enter in the email (by the week number) or emails they missed and the script will resent it to them (or perhaps a drop down list of all the emais), like the script has when you add or edit a users.

Only problem is I have 60 "weekly emails" but not everyone is "there yet", it's sent each week, some members are done while others are only on week 1, or week 12, and so on. I would want it set up so they can only get the emails as far as they should.

I know how to get the script to grab the info from the DB - thie name, email, what "week" (sequence) they are one based on the "USERID" from teh URL (like I did for the other script). My problem is:

1.  how do I then, connect to the other table (folowups) to show them a drop down menu of all the emails sent to them so far (no all the follow ups)

2. then how do I email it like ListMailPro does (with the name, etc message codes in the email). This part is not a must, since it's a "Resent", I don't care if the message codes work that much, I would be happy if I could just sent it. I know how to sent a message in PHP normally but no grabbing the message from the DB.