Author Topic: Web-Based Email Display?  (Read 4316 times)


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Web-Based Email Display?
« on: April 14, 2006, 09:36:40 am »
Hi DW,

To avoid "lost emails" with Listmail Pro, is there a way to display the emails right on my site for subscribers besides sending them? (i.e. like an "web browser version" of a sequential autoresponder?)

The displayed emails would be identical to what I send via Listmail Pro.

So I would set up my site like a "online membership site" and use both Listmail Pro (to email) and a php script (to  display on my site) the same messages in this order:

(1) Message 1 - "Thank you for joining" - available immediately (Sent and available on their web-browser screen - I think Listmail already does this)

(2) Message 2 - "Dear fname, ...." - available 24 hours after sign up, (Listmail emails it, and subscriber can access thru members only page on my site)

(3) Message 3 - "Dear fname,...." - available 48 hours after sign up, (same as above).

I asked in another forum and got this response:

I take it you are using a set of database tables for this site? Maybe a users table and an subscribed/purchase table ? If so you should have the date/time that an order was placed stored somewhere in the database correct?

So you should be able to find out the time since the order was placed - and show the required information accordingly.

Here's the code:

Code: [Select]

// this is only pseudocode - you'll have to fill in your own bits

$time_today = date();
$time_purchased = //get this from the database

$time_difference = time_difference_function($time_purchased, $time_today);
$time_diff_hours = $time_difference['hours'];

if($time_diff_hours < 24) // Within the first day
// Information A (accessible immediately after purchase/login)
if($time_diff_hours > 24 && $time_diff_hours < 48) // Second Day
// Information B (only accessible after 24 hours have passed from Day 1)
if($time_diff_hours > 48) // Third day
// Information C (only accessible after 48 hours after they purchased).

I think the above code "does the trick" but I still don't understand how to actuall make it work.

Any suggestion is greatly appreciated!




  • Posts: 625
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Web-Based Email Display?
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2006, 09:45:48 am »
Hi Jess,

Essentially, I think what I need is a php script that displays on screen what Listmail Pro sends by email.

That would be great but LMP does not store all of the emails you send, what you are looking for is something like an RSS feed - do a search up here for that...

Good luck..

*** I do custom List Mail Pro installations ***
Contact me through my website (above)