Author Topic: Easier Instructions  (Read 4432 times)


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Easier Instructions
« on: July 18, 2006, 09:47:38 am »

Next time you are doing a review of instructions, there are a few easy ways to make it simpler = save you time answering questions.

I personally notice that in retrospect you do give most of the directions needed. However, when someone is unfamiliar with these systems, vital information gets missed.

Perhaps schematic drawings of what links to what might help in some instances.

Clearly defined action points.
Here is an example of one I had to ask you about because I missed the key action point. The instructions said.

"Enter install as the password as instructed"

Could be written as:

Type the following into the password box:
" install "


Enter "install" as the password in the password box.

Esentially two points are always vital for clear instructions
1. What to look for
2. What to do

Good luck reviewing the pages of instructions.