Author Topic: Find and Schedule an Open Mailing Date...  (Read 4976 times)


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Find and Schedule an Open Mailing Date...
« on: August 11, 2006, 07:42:06 am »
Hi DW,

I just thought of a powerful new feature.. I hope you can add this and that it makes sense...

Here's the problem:
I have 20-30 lists, and many people on a followup schedule - they generally get a followup every 3 weeks - AFTER they have been through the normal ENTRY SEQUENCE which is at least one email every week and maybe more frequently.

Now when it comes time to email these people - I would rather NOT email them when they are about to get an email the next day, or THE DAY AFTER they just got an email...  

Now, I know this is possible using the User Selection and DELAY, but I need the system to be more sophisticated than that - for example - if someone has a followup coming with delay of 3 or greater - DO THE MAILING, but if it is LESS THAN THREE, I don't want to come back every day an re-DO the mailing trying to filter those out that I did not get to last time...  

I think you can see where this is going, what I really need is possibly something like this - I say what my limit is: ie. DELAY > 3, then the script automatically CREATES A FEW TEMPORARY Lists, those temporary lists have the users in them over the next 3 days (in this example), I suppose if I chose DELAY > 4 it would 4 days, that will be emailed out over that period - AND  -  IT AUTOMATICALLY SCHEDULES THE TEMPORARY LISTS for mailing over those next 3 days for a time that I setup.

Also, this should be able to work with previous USER Selections, OR at least with a group of Lists and Filter Duplicates like the User Selection feature does.


I think I could see this appearing in the Scheduler?

Ok, that's it what do you think?  Everyone?

*** I do custom List Mail Pro installations ***
Contact me through my website (above)


  • Posts: 85
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Find and Schedule an Open Mailing Date...
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2006, 04:21:55 pm »

I have been trying to think of a way to word this exact question...but I wasn't sure if anyone else would appreciate or want such a feature.

Obviously Brett, we both see the reasoning behind this feature request and how any "email marketer" could benefit from using it...

I am so glad you asked in such a good way  :D  .

One more thing and sorry for posting it here but...DW, is there any update on "Follow Ups or Scheduled Emails-Set by "total" days" -




  • Posts: 625
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Find and Schedule an Open Mailing Date...
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2006, 07:49:05 pm »
Hi Don, DW,

I am so glad you asked in such a good way  .

Thanks, glad you can use it also, I can see I might possibly use the followups by 'total days' as well...

What do you think DW?  Odds of getting this in the next update - BOTH what I mentioned with setting up scheduled updates for less than Delays, and the Total Days option?

*** I do custom List Mail Pro installations ***
Contact me through my website (above)