Dear Dean, 05 April 2005 08:08:23 Central Daylight Time
Would it be possible to integrate ListMail with say WordPress Blogging
software, so that after posting several tiimes during the day or several days I could send out the posts to at least one of my ListMail lists.
Adding a email delivery component to a blog, would be dynamite new
addition to ListMail and create a new selling promotion benefit.
The emails should be have a title date and article summary plus contain a link back to the main article back at the blog. There should be a manual publish -- automatic publish swtich or button in the ListMail control panel
The Email Notification To Your Blog list feature would greatly increase the real and perceived value of ListMail.
Is this a feasible ?
Kind regards,
Frank Eckdall
P.D. It might be good idea to to put the RSS feed link in email too.