ListMailPRO Email Marketing Software Forums

ListMailPRO Email Marketing Software Forums => Development, Suggestions => Topic started by: steve on May 11, 2006, 05:26:23 pm

Title: Quick Question About !data Field
Post by: steve on May 11, 2006, 05:26:23 pm
I had a user try to register, but he was already registered.

But the error message did not come up properly. It just said the problem is: !data

As I look at it, it should provide the subscription error depending on what happens, those default errors are under List Settings > Errors.

Any ideas?
Title: Quick Question About !data Field
Post by: DW on May 13, 2006, 08:54:37 pm
I can't think of a reason for this - are you on a more recent copy of ListMail?  Please submit your info ( (include the previous explanation of the problem too, please)  so I can take a closer look.

Title: Quick Question About !data Field
Post by: steve on June 02, 2006, 06:03:19 am
Just revisiting this now. Before you spend the time to take a look - I noticed that if I put the full HTML code into the Custom HTML section, the codes are working properly. If I target a page that refers to the code, it is not working.

I found another example with !button. When people were going to unsubscribe, they did not see the button. I was using the option - "Alternately, enter a URL to forward the user to" and had the message code in the HTML page that was opened on forward.

I changed it and posted the HTML code into the regular section, made all of the links to images and such absolute, and the button showed up.

Am I missing something if I want to you the "forward the user to" option?
Title: Quick Question About !data Field
Post by: DW on June 05, 2006, 08:37:10 am
Unfortunately, as they are not processed and output by ListMail, you cannot use message codes on the "Forwarded-to" pages.

This gives me an idea... instead of simply forwarding the user we could use PHP to load the page, process it, and output it.  The only drawback would be the Address bar would show signup.php instead of the "Forward" URL.

Title: Quick Question About !data Field
Post by: steve on June 05, 2006, 09:58:15 am
Quote from: "DW"
Unfortunately, as they are not processed and output by ListMail, you cannot use message codes on the "Forwarded-to" pages.

That's kind of what I figured. Thanks much.

Title: Quick Question About !data Field
Post by: krypton1 on February 25, 2007, 07:35:35 pm
Quote from: "DW"
instead of simply forwarding the user we could use PHP to load the page, process it, and output it.

This would be a useful feature for me.  It's impractical to hard code in a header and footer on the signup success or error page.  Every other page on my site uses a php "include()" so that I only need to update one file to change the header/footer everywhere.  Having it hard coded into the signup success or error page breaks that model.  Would it be easy to add?

Title: Quick Question About !data Field
Post by: DW on February 25, 2007, 07:45:19 pm

Try changing signup.php.  Near the very bottom.

Change this:
Code: [Select]
$data = chtml($confirmed,$chid);
To this:
Code: [Select]
if($confirmed) $data = file_get_contents('');
else $data = file_get_contents('');

..and for the error pages. Around line 188 change:
Code: [Select]
$data = str_replace('!data',$msg,$data);
Code: [Select]
$data = file_get_contents('');
$data = str_replace('!data',$msg,$data);

I will have to consider how to make this a feature right in ListMail as I work on the Custom HTML section for the next update.  Great suggestion, by the way - I too develop with PHP headers and footers. ;)

Title: Quick Question About !data Field
Post by: krypton1 on February 28, 2007, 11:41:57 pm
Thanks DW that worked!
Title: forward to url variables
Post by: billmeds on July 02, 2007, 11:50:31 am
I'm a new ListMailPro user and have got everything working today I think but I'm interested in using my own welcome/thankyou pages.

Have you made any progress with the feature you mention above?

Another possible method would be to pass the user data codes to the forward url (using GET or POST) so they would be available to php or any other script on the page.

Apologies if there's another post elsewhere about this.
Title: Quick Question About !data Field
Post by: DW on July 02, 2007, 02:14:05 pm
Hi unfortunately progress has not yet been made.  You may want to consider enabling the xtra/signup-xtra.php script which can forward user information to a URL after signup.
