Author Topic: WHEN are we going to get better statistics???  (Read 4872 times)


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WHEN are we going to get better statistics???
« on: May 03, 2006, 12:49:09 pm »
Hi DW,

You can probably tell the bit of irritation I'm experiencing here.... We NEED better statistics - I can't tell anything with LMP, how many subscribers, how many are unsubscribing, WHEN are they unsubscribing, is there one message that is causing the unsub????  

What is the average number of days someone stays subscribed before dropping off?  

The list goes on and on...

This is valuable information for Email/online marketers, in fact our business relies on it, we need SOME way to get this information - are you making plans to include this in the next release, or working on it????  

Here we go again - I'm about to code it myself again.....

Please keep us informed and let us know what you are working on and WHEN it will be ready?

*** I do custom List Mail Pro installations ***
Contact me through my website (above)