Author Topic: Bounce cgi clarification for newbies like me.  (Read 1768 times)


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Bounce cgi clarification for newbies like me.
« on: May 11, 2005, 06:23:40 pm »
When you setup the bounce.cgi and then run a test, you get a popup that states the following.
"[Bounce Handling]
Is enabled?  Yes, Using bounce.cgi
Sending TESTBOUNCE email to bounce address.. Success!

If you receive an email at your "Administrator Email Address" bounce.cgi is configured correctly."

Now I can be a bit a@#l retentive some times but it tripped me up, as I kept chekcing my Admistrator Email Address for the successful bounced email and it was never there, and it might do the same for someone else just starting out, hence this post.

Where it says "Administrator Email Address" it is really talking about the "Bounce to email address"

Keep up the good work DW. As a famous world known hamburger chain slogan said "Im Lovin It"
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Bounce cgi clarification for newbies like me.
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2005, 08:55:26 pm »
If it helps any:
Near top of configuration page I have my admin address and get bounce confirmation message there.
Next to the admin is the remote test address I get message sent confirmation there.
At the bottom is the bounce address which is configured without mailbox but only a redirect to the bounce script.
No mailbox on the bounce address and so no mail there to collect.


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Bounce cgi clarification for newbies like me.
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2005, 09:06:48 pm »
Hello Mr. Trevor
I will try removing the Bouncd email to address from the bottom as you have shown and see if it defaults to my Administrator email address.
Ill let ya know.
"Come over here and turn around so'z I can smack you up side the head" Paul Teutlel American Choppers


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Re: Bounce cgi clarification for newbies like me.
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2005, 08:29:38 am »
Quote from: "netbuzrd"
Where it says "Administrator Email Address" it is really talking about the "Bounce to email address"

I'd more and likely say no.  These should really be two totally diffirent email addresses.  Because normally you won't ever read the bounced to emails, but you should read the stuff that goes to the Admin email address.


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Bounce cgi clarification for newbies like me.
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2005, 09:58:30 am »
Hi Netbuzrd,
I am not sure if you mean exactly what I said.
Maybe I could phrase it better.
The bounce address needs to be at the bottom of the configuration page of ListMail.
The address it points to does not have a mailbox set up.
The address has a forwarder to the cgi bounce script as explained better in the Help notes.
If you mean you are removing the bounce address mailbox then that sounds right to me, anyway.
I don't know quite what happens if you had one and then remove it.
Maybe you have to check that your forwarder is still set correct to the script.
Maybe the forwarder would have to be removed and then set up again afterwards.
I don't know what effect starting with a mailbox has because I used a fresh address that did not have a box to start with.
I just set up a forwarder on it's own, forwarded to the script and put the address at the bottom of the configuration page of ListMail.
Maybe this can  be explained better than I have.
Check the detailed explanation in the Help file as it is better than my effort here.
Best regards.
(Maybe DW will correct any points that I may have not put clearly here.)