Author Topic: Bounce Setup so it works...  (Read 2229 times)


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Bounce Setup so it works...
« on: December 21, 2007, 01:02:18 pm »
Hi Dean,

I tried sending some broadcasts to my lists recently and something in regards to bounce processing is not quite right.

I only checked the 2nd option bounce.cgi and setup a cron job to execute
the dailymail.php once a day.  Do I need to check the 3rd option as well.

When I tried running dailymail.php manually it looks like it's going thru
the paces but no emails are removed and I know I got some bounces.

A bit frustrated...


p.s. About 2 months ago I migrated all my sites to another dedicated
server thus the issues with ListMailPro.  Something is not quite right.