ListMailPRO Email Marketing Software Forums
ListMailPRO Email Marketing Software Forums => General Help & How-To => Topic started by: gwhite on June 25, 2007, 06:25:47 am
I have my server setup to only accept SSL logins, I cannot get the bounce mail login to work, I have checked and double checked passwords and account names. Sending works just fine.
Testing mail servers..
[Bounce Handling]
Is enabled? Yes, Using a mailbox
Connecting.. The bounced message mailbox is not configured correctly.
[SMTP Server]
Is enabled? Yes
Connecting to SMTP server.. Connected!
Sending test email to remote address.. Success!
Can I assume that under "Type" for the bounce mailbox you have changed "POP3" to "SSL"? If so and it still doesn't work please submit your info ( for a manual investigation.