Author Topic: Couple of Questions on Bounce and Unsub list  (Read 4218 times)


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Couple of Questions on Bounce and Unsub list
« on: December 15, 2008, 02:03:21 pm »

Can somebody please help me with ListMailPro?

1. I imported a list of 48.000 addresses from my own personal database and got a message that about 400 duplicates where in the list and about 800 addresses where bad addresses.

Only 3 minutes later I send the email to my members and as a return 700 email addresses bounced. How can this be? While importing, the email addresses where checked, so how can they bounce? Then I took some of those addresses and send those a test email from Outlook Express. They where delivered without problems and I even got a response back. So even though ListMailPro said the addresses bounced, they didn't. How's that possible?

2. I have pretty much checked the whole application, but I haven't a clue where to find the members that may have unsubscribed. Isn't there a way to see if somebody unsubbed? Cuz I have to compare the unsubscribed members to the database of my website. Is there a log I can check for the unsubbed members?

If anybody knows the answers, please respond.
Thank you in advance,

Ron Edwards.


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Couple of Questions on Bounce and Unsub list
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2008, 01:58:02 am »

Is there anyone from tech support who can answer the questions in my previous post? This is a support forum right? I paid enough money to use ListMailPro, so a little support would be appreciated.


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Couple of Questions on Bounce and Unsub list
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2008, 06:47:32 am »
Hi,  amazingly i can answer some of your queries!

When list mail checks your email addresses its simply scanning for duplicates and incorrect format - such as comma's, no @ sign etc.  

To find the people who have unsubsribed, go to 'user database', select your chosen list, and there is a tab along the top that defaults to 'active' - change this to 'removed' - easy as that.

Cant help with the bounce thing though - thats a bit odd, unless the address has some kind of spam filter that doesnt agree with LMP.

Incidentally, how long did it take to get bounces?  Ive sent my first email this morning to 1600 addresses and have not had a single bounce - that cant be right??


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Couple of Questions on Bounce and Unsub list
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2008, 03:19:11 am »
Thank you for your answer prestige,

I went to 'user database', and selected the list. I actually found the 'removed' tab. Thanks a million for that.

BUT: Now how do I export those? It seems out the 48k list 174 people unsubscribed. So if I select the 'removed' list, shouldn't I be able to export them? I tried this a few times but every time it exports the full 48.000+ list, and from that I can't see where the 174 removals are.

Would you be able to help me out here also?

Concerning your question; I'm not sure on the time table of the bounces coming back. I just do a mailing to 48.000+ members and then log off. I'm not waiting till the list is done sending cuz that'll take me 2 hrs of watching my monitor  :lol:

So thanks again, and if anybody else knows anything about why the bounce email list doesn't actually bounces or the export thingy, I'd be glad to hear from you.



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Couple of Questions on Bounce and Unsub list
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2009, 12:12:34 am »
I have another question, if someone would be able to help me I'd appreciate it greatly.

In my database there is a bounced list, removed list, unconfirmed and active list. Now, I tried to export the removed list and the bounced list, but everytime I do that the program exports the whole database.

How can I just export the bounce or removed list? Anybody knows?

Thanks a lot for any input on this.



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Couple of Questions on Bounce and Unsub list
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2009, 09:55:18 am »
you need to add a filter 'rule' on the export users screen.  Have a fiddle with it and you should suss it out (sorry would try it for you but am in the middle of about 5 different jobs as usual!)

I have another question for you (or anyone else) - for some reason all of my 'unconfirmed' list have dissapeared?? they are not in the confirmed, removed, or bounced section - so where the hell have they gone??  im guessing there is some kind of time out/remove code somewhere, but i cant find it.  Any ideas please????  

Help, as always, gratefully received.