Author Topic: Upgraded, Refreshed, No Database Upgrade?  (Read 5057 times)


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Upgraded, Refreshed, No Database Upgrade?
« on: July 19, 2009, 09:58:27 am »

I know Dean is not supporting us unless we pay cash. Something that is extremely short these days.

Maybe you can help: I just upgraded from 1.87 to 1.88 and uploaded all of the files according to the instructions.

I then went to the login, got in, nothing happened.
Refreshed my page the way the instructions tells me if nothing happens.
Still nothing happened.

The software now is doing things like letting me in if I drop my firewall setting, when I try to change the sort on the user list from up to down I get kicked out of the system then when I try to log back in it won't let me unless I refresh the page, when I tried to send email it doesn't do what it normally does on a small list which is give me a summary at the end, as a matter of fact it doesn't send the mail at all and it also kicks me out when I try and load a template. I really need some help here.

Any ideas on this one? Anyone had this problem before?

I'm going to re-upload the files "just in case" but unless you hear from me here on this thread afterward (like 5 minutes from now) then it means I still have the above problems.

This is now an hour later.

I found out that the database is screwed up. What is happening is that no matter who signs up to my site the software now assigns the wrong user name and password and it is the same user name and password.

I contacted everyone who signed up before I got my shut down page in place and told them their accounts would be deleted. Now my site is effectively dead in the water.

God I hate upgrading software. I don't know what possessed me to do it.

Rowdy Rhodes
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Upgraded, Refreshed, No Database Upgrade?
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2009, 06:03:13 am »
Hi Dean,

I paid for your upgrade service two days ago. The system told me I'd hear from someone there within 24 hours - I haven't. Your credit card processing company called asking if I had received what I had purchased.

I told them I was ill (I'm sick with some kind of weird cold) and hadn't checked my mail (that was yesterday). Today I checked and haven't heard from anyone at LMP. Your credit card processer said they would follow up in two days (which will be tomorrow).

My whole site is down. Since LMP links into other areas of the site (which you may or may not remember) I have had to disable most of the cornerstone resources and stop signups as everyone is getting the same welcome mail but with the wrong user name and password.

I sent additional notes in my ticket to you as well as an email to an address I have on file for you, however the status of my problem above remains the same .

This is not good. I am in the middle of a large promotion, I'm losing signups and lost some of the money for the promotion (which the company was nice enough to put on hold when I told them what happened).

I'd appreciate your assistance.
Rowdy Rhodes
Freelance Writing Organization - Int'l

Free site hosting thousands of writing resources and links. 40+ genres, writers' funding, job listings, education, news, submissions, and more. Publishers of Inkwell Newswatch and Writers Site News. Professional writing resources for writers, authors, editors and publishers.


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Upgraded, Refreshed, No Database Upgrade?
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2009, 08:39:01 am »
Chances are you won't hear anything from what seems to be going on around here...

Can you keep us informed as to if you do ever hear from dean, the whole ( shrinking fast ) listmail community wants to know, thanks.


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Upgraded, Refreshed, No Database Upgrade?
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2009, 11:28:59 am »
Quote from: "mike2"
Chances are you won't hear anything from what seems to be going on around here... Can you keep us informed as to if you do ever hear from dean, the whole ( shrinking fast ) listmail community wants to know, thanks.

Will do. He could be on holidays. I don't know ... he could have been in the hospital. I'm working on solutions without him at the moment. I paid for the tech service on Monday and I can't have the site down this long. My hosting company in Texas has come to my aid. I'll fill in the details when all is said and done. If he has gone away for any extended period of time and Texas can't resolve the problem ... well ... let's just hope Dean's back soon. I'd hate to have to switch software packages however gotta do what you gotta do.

Freelance Writing Organization - Int'l

Free site hosting thousands of writing resources and links. 40+ genres, writers' funding, job listings, education, news, submissions, and more. Publishers of Inkwell Newswatch and Writers Site News. Professional writing resources for writers, authors, editors and publishers.


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Upgraded, Refreshed, No Database Upgrade?
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2009, 02:56:03 pm »
Quote from: "mike2"
Can you keep us informed as to if you do ever hear from dean, the whole ( shrinking fast ) listmail community wants to know, thanks.

Well Mike, the update is this. Today is July 27th, 2009.

On July 25th I wrote an email to to cancel the support order I paid for because I still hadn't heard anything from Dean.

The above problem I experienced started on the 19th (8 days ago) and by the 20th I purchased the LMP upgrade support to try and find out what happened during my upgrade and what was needed to fix it. That's a 5 day wait too long for me but I like this software damnit. Sure wish we could get Dean talking. Anyway, I digress.

Today my sign up pages still remain down, however my hosting company retains 30-60 day backups of all the sites they support (1.8 million!).

They informed me that they can easily overwrite what was done on the 19th. I'm going to get them today to restore back to the 18th, then manually add a few users that will go missing, lose some tracking stats, and by tomorrow I should be back up and running again thanks to my hosting company.

A minute ago I logged into the LMP members paid support area. The ticket and all of the details have been deleted which means that someone is home here (unless 2Checkout can delete support tickets - your guess is as good as mine. I don't use 2Checkout.)

Personally I think Dean's just not answering the door. That could be a permanent or temporary situtation. I don't know. I give Dean the benefit of the doubt, he's always been a decent guy, I've used the software for 5 years and always received support, so I figure that something has gone wrong in his world. Could be a death in the family for all I know.

If and when Dean decides to make contact so be it and we'll go from there. Since no one responded to this email (except you) I have to assume that the upgrade for everyone else worked fine and for some reason will not work on my server, but I'm just guessing. As long as I can get back to where I was and back to doing what I do then I'll be fine. Restoring backups I always cross my fingers though.

That's the story as of today.
By the way: What web site do you run? (curiosity)

Take care,
Rowdy Rhodes
Site Director
Freelance Writing Organization - Int'l.
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Upgraded, Refreshed, No Database Upgrade?
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2009, 03:07:18 pm »
Sounds typical...

You can give him the benefit of the doubt but it's been almost 2 years...

We all did that TOO for the first 6-12 months.

I'm considering branching off and developing a "similar" software but I don't know, it's definitely not a simple task...


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Upgraded, Refreshed, No Database Upgrade?
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2009, 05:40:08 pm »

> You can give him the benefit of the doubt but it's been almost 2 years...
> We all did that TOO for the first 6-12 months

I have to agree... I'm not holding out for Dean any longer.

> I'm considering branching off and developing a "similar" software but I
> don't know, it's definitely not a simple task...

I've considered it myself too, if you want to consider joining up our heads and moving forward on this, let me know, you can contact me directly, by phone/email using my website contact below.

Good luck my friend...

*** I do custom List Mail Pro installations ***
Contact me through my website (above)


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Upgraded, Refreshed, No Database Upgrade?
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2009, 06:39:49 am »
Quote from: "mike2"
Sounds typical...

I happen to be an optimist but I know when to close up shop. Right now there's no reason to dump the software though. The 2nd last version works. The existing version didn't (at least on my system), so I'll restore the old and life goes in. This conversation jumped to the other thread anyway.

As for developing software, been there, done that. There are so many reasons not to it would make your head spin. However it can be done if you have deep pockets and the right person/people.

Regarding "benefit of the doubt". I've known Dean a long time. Spoke to him, emailed his personal address, he was always in my corner. My benefit of the doubt doesn't disappear after a couple of years. I've seen good people in my life disappear for 10 years only to return, but that's a personal choice. This is business. As far as the product is concerned it is unsupported, still being sold, and in my opinion, if Dean is not returning he should shut this whole op down and get it over with.

All of this still doesn't answer my original question though which was why my upgrade failed. Doesn't matter though, my hosting comany will restore me back to the day before I upgraded and all should return to normal.

Now I'll jump off here and answer Brett at BGSWebDesign over in the other thread.

Thanks Mike. See you over there for the time being.
Freelance Writing Organization - Int'l

Free site hosting thousands of writing resources and links. 40+ genres, writers' funding, job listings, education, news, submissions, and more. Publishers of Inkwell Newswatch and Writers Site News. Professional writing resources for writers, authors, editors and publishers.


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Re: Upgraded, Refreshed, No Database Upgrade?
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2011, 05:22:35 am »
This whirlpool duet spam brought me back here so I figured I'd post and let anyone who was interested know that I was now offering email friendly web hosting...

No spam allowed of course, very strict on that... It also comes with a bit newer autoresponder than Listmail but you should also be able(?) to use listmail if you wanted...

Here's my shameless plug for it: