Can you keep us informed as to if you do ever hear from dean, the whole ( shrinking fast ) listmail community wants to know, thanks.
Well Mike, the update is this. Today is July 27th, 2009.
On July 25th I wrote an email to to cancel the support order I paid for because I still hadn't heard anything from Dean.
The above problem I experienced started on the 19th (8 days ago) and by the 20th I purchased the LMP upgrade support to try and find out what happened during my upgrade and what was needed to fix it. That's a 5 day wait too long for me but I like this software damnit. Sure wish we could get Dean talking. Anyway, I digress.
Today my sign up pages still remain down, however my hosting company retains 30-60 day backups of all the sites they support (1.8 million!).
They informed me that they can easily overwrite what was done on the 19th. I'm going to get them today to restore back to the 18th, then manually add a few users that will go missing, lose some tracking stats, and by tomorrow I should be back up and running again thanks to my hosting company.
A minute ago I logged into the LMP members paid support area. The ticket and all of the details have been deleted which means that
someone is home here (unless 2Checkout can delete support tickets - your guess is as good as mine. I don't use 2Checkout.)
Personally I think Dean's just not answering the door. That could be a permanent or temporary situtation. I don't know. I give Dean the benefit of the doubt, he's always been a decent guy, I've used the software for 5 years and always received support, so I figure that something has gone wrong in his world. Could be a death in the family for all I know.
If and when Dean decides to make contact so be it and we'll go from there. Since no one responded to this email (except you) I have to assume that the upgrade for everyone else worked fine and for some reason will not work on my server, but I'm just guessing. As long as I can get back to where I was and back to doing what I do then I'll be fine. Restoring backups I always cross my fingers though.
That's the story as of today.
By the way: What web site do you run? (curiosity)
Take care,
Rowdy Rhodes
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