Author Topic: Emails getting clipped off when send or save??  (Read 3163 times)


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Emails getting clipped off when send or save??
« on: July 13, 2009, 06:31:33 pm »

I have been using LMP on and off for several years, since 2002 I think.  I have 2 licenses that I use to mail to my lists.

This week I have sent two mails that I noticed went out clipped after... about 40 lines.  I have copied and pasted, saved, loaded, deleted, Previewed.  No email I send will go out with more than 40 lines.

I tried multiple browsers.  I used to use Dean for custom work and stuff for LMP and other php integrations and odds and ends.  He has been a GREAT resource for me and I really miss having his help.  I guess I need another freelance php programmer to help me.

Anyway, I have no idea why this is not working here.  I loaded old messages that were really long and they will preview and send.  It's as if this text has a strange unicode problem.  But I have converted all to simple text and that isn't it??  Any ideas?

turbines at


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Emails getting clipped off when send or save??
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2009, 09:50:04 am »
(Using a client's account since I couldn't create my own)

Email me at if you still need help with this.

Mark A. Hershberger