Author Topic: Giving up?  (Read 58614 times)


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Giving up?
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2009, 07:47:13 pm »
The notice in red on the site make me think he is away on purpose and I thought perhaps a holiday was the answer. If it was an accident or somthing was unplanned I doubt that message would be there.

I want to move my hosting to a site I have better contact with but I guess I need Deans action to help me do that and can't contact him. Is there any other way anyone knows of I can move the mail program without his input?



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Giving up?
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2009, 07:50:07 am »
Quote from: "steve4"
The notice in red on the site make me think he is away on purpose and I thought perhaps a holiday was the answer. If it was an accident or somthing was unplanned I doubt that message would be there.

I want to move my hosting to a site I have better contact with but I guess I need Deans action to help me do that and can't contact him. Is there any other way anyone knows of I can move the mail program without his input?


Hi Steve,
I would strongly recommend (if you haven't already) you take advantage of LMP excellent db back up facility. In theory if you export what you have now you could continue with another host by installing LMP and changing the name servers.

About the red notice . . . I think it has been there for a while - can anyone else confirm?

Either way I don't believe Dean would just walk away from his responsibilities maintaining the LMP servers, but if this is not resolved by the end of  March I will be stopping any further payments.


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Giving up?
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2009, 03:22:01 pm »
Unfortunately, I have no choice but to give up. All of a sudden my login script stopped working.  I'm not sure why that is. It's been over a month since I sent e-mail and submitted a support ticket. I have to switch mailing list programs so I can contact my list. I'm just the database is on my server so I can log into that to get the user information.

I don't know what happened to Dean and I hope he's alright, but this situation has made me think twice about using proprietary software from a individual programmer or a small company. While I would like to support them, I also can't take the risk of getting stuck like this. This is really kind of scary for me.


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Giving up?
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2009, 09:33:19 pm »
Quote from: "antonia"

I don't know what happened to Dean and I hope he's alright, but this situation has made me think twice about using proprietary software from a individual programmer or a small company. While I would like to support them, I also can't take the risk of getting stuck like this. This is really kind of scary for me.

Hi Antonia,
I agree. It is also a bit frustrating that even with all the technology we have we still can't discover what has happened to Dean! My credit card is still being debited with charge for the hosting, I can still ping my list server so something is still working. Do you have a backup of your database?


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Giving up?
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2009, 08:54:47 am »
I have also now given up. We paid our money and submitted our details to install listmail but never ever heard anything back despite repeated attempts at chasing Dean. So Ig uess we've lost our money and I've now gone elsewhere to get what we need - otherwise we'd be waiting for who knows how long before any kind of support is offered. Really disappointed with it all, especially considering how helpful Dean had been in the past.

Seems a bit convenient that people's money still keeps on being taken moenth by month with nothing in return and not a peep from the powers that be. I definitely smell a rat - perhaps another victim of the credit crunch? I'd like to think that wasn't the case but I have no faith any more.


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Giving up?
« Reply #20 on: March 24, 2009, 09:46:04 am »
Quote from: "Helen.Jones"
Seems a bit convenient that people's money still keeps on being taken moenth by month with nothing in return and not a peep from the powers that be. I definitely smell a rat - perhaps another victim of the credit crunch? I'd like to think that wasn't the case but I have no faith any more.

Hi Helen,
I understand you must be seriously p**sed off if you have paid for something you have not received - not sure about the rat smell though. It makes no sense that Dean has done a runner - I would be seriously dissappointed and surprised if he had. If you have paid for something with a credit card is it possible either you can get a refund or they can do some investigation as to why you have not received the goods?
P.S. please make a note of my email address - let's stay in contact in case this site goes down too.


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Does anyone have a FaceBook account
« Reply #21 on: March 24, 2009, 10:04:04 am »
I found this when doing a search for Dean Wiebe:

if this is Dean is it possible to contact some of his friends to find out if he is okay?


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Giving up?
« Reply #22 on: March 24, 2009, 11:45:22 am »
Do you have a backup of your database?

I didn't have the good sense to keep a regular backup but, fortunately, I am able to login directly to my database (phpMyAdmin) and export my user and list information from there.


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Giving up?
« Reply #23 on: March 24, 2009, 11:51:36 am »
Quote from: "antonia"
Do you have a backup of your database?

I didn't have the good sense to keep a regular backup but, fortunately, I am able to login directly to my database (phpMyAdmin) and export my user and list information from there.

How are you using phpMyAdmin to access your db?


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Lost in space???
« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2009, 12:21:19 pm »
Hi All,

I've used LMP for years (since 2004), it works fine, and still does, but I'm running my own server.  I'm not sure what's up with Dean, but I can guess that is his Facebook profile, he does live in Vancouver. I always thought he was a little lost when it came to updating things - but never like this.

Sorry to hear you're all without host/services, what a total drag - I would recommend trying a service such as GetResponse, or Aweber, at least you know you'll get someone on the phone there. I've been considering that move myself recently...

As for the red message, I noticed this website was down completely, sometime in Feb, not sure when, when it came back online (after at least 2-3 days that I know of), I saw the red message. I have to assume that paid support are the only one's that are going to get it...

Best of luck with it all - I'll be moving my data to another service, or software...

*** I do custom List Mail Pro installations ***
Contact me through my website (above)


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Help with Backup
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2009, 09:27:29 am »

I know how to export my lists so I have a backup of subscribers, but I have no idea how to do a complete backup and the online help instructions are not particularly helpful. Can anyone tell me how to do that?

Nevermind I figured out how to backup and now have the file on my own computer, but what to do next depends on where this is going to be hosted. So...the next question is still relevent. Thots?

Next question is where does one find a server to host LMP. The problem with my website host is the limits they place on outgoing email. My list is too big to have a limit of 250/day. It also needs to be reputable so we don't get emails bouncing because of other people's behavior.

Does anyone have any thoughts on how best to proceed?

BTW I have requested to be Dean's friend on Facebook. Let you know if I get a response. I didn't recognize any of his friends so I haven't tried to contact any of them.

I'm with the folks that think something's happened to him. This is so totally out of character.



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Finding Dean Wiebe
« Reply #26 on: April 01, 2009, 04:48:36 am »
Like many of you I am seeking Dean's whereabouts.  I have made several attempts to his "friends" list on his facebook page (vancouver, bc), but have not heard back from them either.  I am fearing the worst, that something serious has happened to Dean, as he has NEVER been without communication for this length of time.  I backed up everything from my listmail program and I am beginning to look for another webhost.  Dreading this move, as I have several sites, databases, folders and files to move...and to hope it all comes back working the same way it did.  Guessing many headaches are ahead.  Wanted to ask Dean about a "backup" plan should something happen to him (but never got around to it), meaning I wanted to ask him if he had someone who was able to blast an email message to his customers should he be taken ill, injured, etc.  Wishing now I would have gotten around to it, or better yet, had some other contact information from his hosting company.  Does anybody know who he is renting his servers from?  Maybe we could start there?


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Dean MIA?
« Reply #27 on: April 02, 2009, 09:39:19 am »
As near as I can tell, something serious must have happened to Dean to be this out of touch. We have tried email, this forum, Facebook, phone and text messages (a colleague had that) and still no response.

Guess there's a lesson here for all of us. I know I don't have an adequate backup plan should something happen to me.

LMP is still working for me on Dean's server though bounce rates are up, but a new server is definitely needed.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

And is anyone here techie enough to do the installation? Or know someone who can?

I'm sure I could figure it out but I don't want to take the time. Would much rather pay someone to do it.




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moving hosts
« Reply #28 on: April 02, 2009, 03:25:12 pm »
I'm in the same boat as you Susan.  Not really comfortable with doing the installation myself.  Was just hoping that by uploading the mail folder and files to my new server, creating the same database, restore the LMP database and then pray it works.

I have decided to move to VPS hosting with  Paying about 35 a month.  Have only had shared hosting to this point, so not sure what headaches VPS will bring.  I have 256mb of RAM, which I have no idea if that is good or when it will cause problems and need upgrading.  I think that is the problem I will face.  I have plenty of disk space and bandwidth, but the RAM is an area I am not comfortable with (nor am I comfortable with VPS hosting).  Not ready to make the financial commitment to dedicated hosting, but at least for now the VPS hosting will allow unlimited emails (which of course will probably raise my RAM usage and then the headaches begin!)  I will monitor very closely as I move everything over.

As for Dean, I have heard nothing.  I have even sent messages to his friends on facebook and they have not even had the courtesy to reply.  Very strange.  It's like he vanished from the face of the earth.  By the looks of the picture on his facebook, he is a young guy, so really concerned about this vanishing act.  Not in character for him at all.


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Giving up?
« Reply #29 on: April 02, 2009, 03:52:33 pm »
Jangell, please keep us posted re: VPS and

I have an email inquiry into Dreamhost. Reports been mixed here in the forum.

Right now I'm still working off Dean's server. The worst that's happened so far is I'm not getting through to Comcast or sbcglobal addresses and bounce rates are moving up toward 10%.

It is strange about Dean, and I agree totally out of character. I found a way to text him and didn't get anything. Included my email so if he's unable somebody else could get back to me, but no one did. Strange about his friends not responding. Something's definitely up.

Oh well, we just all need to find new hosting before this system disappears. Keep us all posted.
