Author Topic: Giving up?  (Read 58236 times)


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« Reply #30 on: April 03, 2009, 01:37:31 pm »
So far so good.  It will certainly cost me much more than Dean, but so far they seem pretty good.  Support is excellent and very quick to respond.  At first they said they could not migrate my old host sites to the new VPS host without 'sudo' access, whatever that means, so thought I was in trouble.  They have since found a way to transfer the files and databases from one plesk account to the other.  Of course the real test will be when they migrate my LMP.  Can't wait!  Got a note from one of the Facebook Friends of Dean Wiebe from Vancouver, BC.  Evidently that is NOT his facebook page, as they said I had the wrong person.  So, more than one DW in Vancouver.   I will post back if I get successful migration of my LMP.  Should happen in the next day or so.


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Giving up?
« Reply #31 on: April 04, 2009, 09:25:40 am »

How much are you paying?

And I'm particularly interested in their bounce do they actively address wrongful blacklisting issues. Dean's been really good about that...under 1% until recently and now pushing 10%. Most of that is Comcast and sbcglobal.

Before I switched to LMP I was using 1shoppingcart and bounce rates were consistently 15-20%. Horrible.

Thanks for the update



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Dreamhost Info
« Reply #32 on: April 04, 2009, 09:28:38 am »

Paul suggested we start a new thread on hosting options but since we've already started here, I'm inclined to keep it all in one place.

Here is the response I got from Dreamhost to my query.


Thanks for writing in! I will be happy to answer your questions. Yes, you
should be able to use that software and yes we do have a limit as to how
much mail you can send per hour. It is also possible to increase the
mailing quota limit. That policy
exists to ward off unsolicited bulk email. We can increase your quota up
to 500 messages
per hour. However, in order to do that we need to verify that every
single address that you have on file has opted-in for the subscription
twice. We need the time stamps, email addresses, and IPs of the
double-opted in confirmation. We will need to verify all of this
information in order to proceed. If you're unable to set this up then
you'll need to use our announcement list feature in order to send out
more mail.

If you aren't familiar with the Announcement list system that we have you
can check that out here:

The process of increasing your mail quota couldn't be started until after
you've become a customer with us. If you do need to send out more than
200 messages per hour then you'll need to request the mail increase.

Unfortunately, we can't really help with the installation. We have a
policy that we don't support third-party software. However, if you need
the assistance we will do our best to accommodate you. We don't install
the software for you but we can assist you with any questions and send
you guides and articles that we have or find on the Internet.

If you have any other questions, please let me know! Otherwise, I'd be
happy to get all of this started upon your reply! :D

Daniel G


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« Reply #33 on: April 06, 2009, 06:09:09 am »
LMP worked fine when my new host transfered over the files and databases from my current site.  I did not try a mass mailing yet.  Concerned about the RAM usage on my new host, as I have never had to worry about it in the past with shared hosting.  I will monitor it closely as the rest of my domains propagate.  Paying $45 a month for VPS hosting with unlimited domains, 20gigs of disk space, 550gigs of bandwidth, and 320mb of RAM.  Think RAM will be a problem and will be the deciding factor if I stay with this hosting.  The $45 a month also includes Plesk control panel, which made the transfer of my other sites data much easier (even without having 'sudo' access because of Dean's absence (whatever 'sudo' means, not sure, but having that access would have made transfer easier and more efficient).  I know I am headed to a dedicated server in the near tired of restrictions.  Think I can do a dedicated server with plenty of power with knownhost for about $110 a month.  But that is down the road and after I evaluate the VPS hosting.  Checked out dreamhost and was certainly turned off by the limit on emails.  VPS hosting with them would remove that limitation (as it does with knownhost), but then again I will need to check my RAM usage when sending large email is always something!  Good luck and keep me posted!


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Dean gone missing and I can not log in to my control panel
« Reply #34 on: April 10, 2009, 04:15:29 pm »
I too have a site hosted with Dean and I too have NOT been able to get in touch with him for a long while now. I am trying to change to a new host for my site but I can not log in to my site's control panel.

Has anyone any idea about what happened to Dean or how to contact him?

He used to be so fast and good about replying to any trouble I had.

I just paid $20.00 to see if that would get him to respond but still no luck so far.  :cry:  

Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 10:53:13 -0500
Vendor Product ID : LM-update
Product Name : ListMailPRO - Update
Quantity : 1
Handling Fee : 0.00
Total : 20.00 ( USD )

There isn't a way to move a site without using the site's control panel is there?


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Giving up?
« Reply #35 on: April 14, 2009, 01:13:34 pm »
Long time user of listmail here...  I have tried contacting Dean also, will let you know if I hear back from him of course I'm not holding my breath.


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Dean is alive!
« Reply #36 on: April 15, 2009, 12:43:16 am »
Heard from Dean today (April 13, 2009) He wrote:

"I apologize for the delay.  I have been away from email but still monitoring
system services...."  And then went on to tell me he had fixed an issue I was having.

Of course this email comes after weeks of time spent moving all of my domains, files, folders, editing scripts, bugs, hours of support help, etc....and now he resurfaces.  Boy I do not know what to do.  To make things worse, I have sent an email back to him with a few questions and he has not responded for 2 days now.

I am having an issue with LMP when trying to load a txt file into my database.  Keep getting "file cannot be found" message.  Guessing this is an error due to my new host and some script adjustment, but Dean has not responded to my request for assistance....again.

Not sure if anyone else has made contact, but wanted to let you know that I did hear from him.  Perhaps he contacted me because I was the only one who still has not canceled their subscription :)


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OK, now I'm finished with DW
« Reply #37 on: April 19, 2009, 06:29:18 am »
I thought that after I received an email from Dean, things would finally improve.  Even after I moved a dozen or so sites (not an easy task), I still left one site with him and was hoping against hope things would change.  Well, repeated attempts to contact him again AFTER he just sent me an email and stated ("any more questions or problems, let me know"), that was it.  Sent 5 or 6 emails since that time and have received nothing.  Yesterday, my one and only website left with Dean went down.  I have now canceled my hosting with Dean and I am finished.  I feel so bad about this because Dean has been incredible to me!  The work he has done setting up my LMP and my website hosting was just phenomenal.  It is so out of character for him to do business this way.  Once I got the email I just assumed he was contacting everyone and it was back to business as usual.  Sorry to see it is not.

I am fully moved over to knownhost and I FULLY recommend them to anyone considering new hosting.  I have there VPS hosting package, VS2, which provides me with unlimited domains, 384mb of RAM, 20 gigs of Disk space, and 400 gigs of bandwidth.

Their support team is 24 / 7 and just fantastic.  I have sent several tasks at them and they have finished within minutes.  They are great!  I only have one problem and it is not their fault.  It included getting 'sudo' access to my old server to fix a problem.  With Dean lost and confused, I am unable to give them that access to correct one of the problems.  Not a big problem, so life does go on.  I am paying $40 a month and have a nice, new up-to-date Plesk control panel included.  Yes, it is certainly more money than I was paying with Dean, but I think my headaches are over and that is well worth the extra $300 to $400 a year I will be paying with Knownhost!  Good luck to everyone.  Hope your transition is / was as smooth as mine.  Hope you will all share your migration stories for other users who are considering the move or perhaps are still in the trial period with their new host.


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calculating bounce rate?
« Reply #38 on: April 28, 2009, 10:53:43 am »

> 10%. Most of that is Comcast and sbcglobal.

How are you calculating your bounce rate?


Sounds great, it looks like knownhost is good, I'll consider them... I'm working now at moving my entire lists over to GetResponse and Aweber, I figure one of those two will do everything I want.

*** I do custom List Mail Pro installations ***
Contact me through my website (above)


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I still cannot find a better solution...
« Reply #39 on: June 09, 2009, 07:37:42 am »
Hi Everyone,

Well, I know I said this before:
> I'm working now at moving my entire lists over to GetResponse and Aweber

But, I'm still not able to find a better solution than LMP (List Mail Pro).  I love it too much and have been using it for years.  It does everything I want, and, even faster/better than Aweber and GetResponse!

I can tell you what I found (after purchasing full accounts at Aweber/Getresponse).
1.) Aweber relies on Ajax and is too slow sometimes when updating pages (LMP is fast).

2.) To send to ALL of my members I have to 'Include' all of my lists (in LMP I just setup a User Selection for everyone and send away.

3.) GetResponse will not let me send a subscription by Email from inside of a program to my own lists - it checks the IP address and denies them every time.  (With LMP I just put an include in my programs and instantly add someone to my list anytime).

There's one slight complaint I have with LMP, it doesn't send emails by 'time of day', in other words if someone signs up for a list at 2:15pm today, they will not always get their followups at the same time (Aweber does this, not sure about GetResponse).  Instead with LMP they get their signups whenever I have DailyMail scheduled.  It's not a big problem, I just wish I could be more detailed with the scheduling...

As you can see, I still love LMP, you can see from my posts (over 500) that I've been using it a long time, and solved quite a few problems with it, many of these things cannot even be done with Aweber/Getresponse.

Just to let everyone know, since I've found this program so useful, I'm now offering Custom Installations - to a dedicated server (I have one that I will recommend).  

Contact me at my website for further info:

I hope everyone does get their LMP problems solved, but since Dean has been away from these boards for months now, I thought I would do my part to help out....

*** I do custom List Mail Pro installations ***
Contact me through my website (above)


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Technical Help
« Reply #40 on: July 18, 2009, 09:43:28 am »
(I'm using my client's account to post since I couldn't create my own.)

If anyone here needs help fixing their LMP installation or migrating to another solution, I'm available.  I can also fix bugs in LMP if needed (found a couple in my client's version).

Contact me at

- Mark A. Hershberger


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Giving up?
« Reply #41 on: July 18, 2009, 07:14:10 pm »
Hi Everyone,

Yes, I've been using LMP for over 5 years, look at the number of 'posts' under my name on the left - contact me with any help/assistance you need with LMP.

I currently run a list of over 50,000 using LMP.   :)

*** I do custom List Mail Pro installations ***
Contact me through my website (above)


  • Posts: 48
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Giving up?
« Reply #42 on: July 27, 2009, 03:29:55 pm »
Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
Hi Everyone,
Yes, I've been using LMP for over 5 years, look at the number of 'posts' under my name on the left - contact me with any help/assistance you need with LMP. I currently run a list of over 50,000 using LMP.   :)

Thanks for the offer.

I didn't realize there was a thread happening here so if anyone wants to pop over to and then back to this one to continue on with it it would make sense for future users because the software is still available on the market. The above is an update as of today July 27, 2009 on LMP events around here.

For now I'll use the 2nd last version of the software. It does the job. Obviously this support issue has been going on a while. I wasn't aware of it. So many posts here for such a long period of time I can only come to a few assumptions:

- Dean has given it up without notice.

- He has been seriously injured or god forbid is dead and no one else knows how to get into these systems to let us know.

- I know a year ago he required full-time financial input from us (collectively to keep it going. It didn't happen. So maybe he's working full time somewhere and this is what it is. The end of LMP upgrading and support.)

- I don't know if anyone had the problems I had with the last version out as stated in the above thread but the previous version seemed to work fine.

- Third party services like GetResponse and Aweber (nothing personal to any and all of you using them) I stopped using when I came across LMP only because I wanted to ensure that there were no other copies of my list except with me and my hosting company.

I'm going to keep this thread on notify and if anyone comes across a package as good as or better than LMP please let me know (maybe someone already has and posted here? I haven't had time to go through this whole thread. Let me know though if someone has.)

If you even need help in the writing industry hit my help desk with an email - Subject: ListMailPro User.

Anyway I guess that's about it.
Best of luck to you all.
Take care,
Rowdy Rhodes
Site Director
Freelance Writing Organization - Int'l.
- Creators of the Instant Writing Resources Tool Bar
Use the tool bar files as a giveaway/incentive on your site.
- Est. 1999. 12,800+ members to date
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Giving up?
« Reply #43 on: July 27, 2009, 05:34:59 pm »
Hi Rowdy,

> I'm going to keep this thread on notify and if anyone comes across a
> package as good as or better than LMP please let me know (maybe
> someone already has and posted here? I haven't had time to go through > this whole thread. Let me know though if someone has.)

There are 2 models here, and there are a few points to think about.
#1.) There is no such thing as free support - every type of support has a cost, the fact that Dean provided it for so many years shows you what happens - as a programmer and developer for over 20 years I have the experience and the education to make that statement.

After reading your other post, I'm sorry to hear that your paid support payments are not accepted, that is really bizarre, and I don't understand that at all - I've even asked Dean to consider selling LMP to someone that can care for it, but even those replies go unanswered - I have no way of knowing how to contact Dean at all - so don't ask!  It's really weird what is going on and I don't understand why Dean would do this - well ,at least we have the older LMP versions that still do the job - that's important - so now it's time to look elsewhere for support, read below and you will know why...

When you ask for free support, you get a model like this where the software dies in the end, or people end up providing support on their own. You have to choose what you think is better, with the LMP model, you purchase software, and find your own support, and have your solution.  With the Aweber/Getresponse model you pay a premium for the service and the support is provided.

#2.) I've tried almost every other mailing list software on the market, PhpList is about the closest you will come to LMP, but it still lacks some features, there are others, and yes I've probably tried them, I would guess I've tried 10-15 different mailing list software programs over the last 5 years.  

There is no easy comparison, Aweber/Getresponse have both raised rates to make their services expensive for many list holders. The best option is a white label version of Aweber, such as XMailPro, or ProSender.

I've outlined all of this on my blog, you can read the article at:

So, you have my opinion. What I feel is that many people up here are looking for free support, and it's not going to happen. As a developer I'm speaking the truth.  You don't dedicate your life to software development and not realize what is going on.  I've had numerous people ask questions and pick my brain for support and answers, but I can't do that for free.  

Knowledge comes at a price, you don't go down to the local garage and ask them to fix your car for free - it's a similar model, think about it, programmers are experienced, trained and they deserve to be paid what they are worth - so, you either pay someone for support at this point, or use one of the white label services I mentioned... either of these 2 solutions will get you where you want to be.

Good luck!

*** I do custom List Mail Pro installations ***
Contact me through my website (above)


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Giving up?
« Reply #44 on: July 28, 2009, 08:50:29 am »
Hi Brett,

Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
There is no such thing as free support

Other than the little stuff that comes along with software developing I've never asked for free support. Dean offered it because when I first hooked up with him his client base was small and the software needed a pile of work to bring it up to snuff.

Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
every type of support has a cost, the fact that Dean provided it for so many years shows you what happens - as a programmer and developer for over 20 years I have the experience and the education to make that statement.

I agree, and as someone who has 30 years, is 50, had three separate self-employed careers; software developer, venture capitalist and now freelance writing you've hit the nail on the head.

Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
After reading your other post, I'm sorry to hear that your paid support payments are not accepted,

That's not quite what I said. What I said was that paid tech support is taking orders. They are not being fulfilled. does followup on these types of transactions and when I told them what was going on, well after waiting a week I cancelled the order. Today 2Checkout reimbursed my PayPal account what was paid into Dean's account.

Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
I have no way of knowing how to contact Dean at all - so don't ask!

I didn't, I do, and his personal email address is accepting mail but he is not responding except with a lag time of about 3 weeks. His last email to me was that he was still alive lol because I sent him three emails and the third asked if he was dead. {smile}

Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
It's really weird what is going on and I don't understand why Dean would do this

If I had to guess his business model, if he even had one, wasn't built to handle the success he achieved in the number of LMP users. Since the price was low in the beginning it didn't generate enough money for him to be able to make a living and support the software. He did try though. I gave him a number of suggestions which he took seriously and implemented (e.g. LMP would not be able to perform demographical user selection without my input), but by then it was too late (I'm guessing because I don't know his finances). He put into place an affiliate program, he added paid tech support and most everyone balked, he removed himself from these forums to everyone's amazement. It's not all that weird. He was LMP user rich but cash and time poor.

Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
at least we have the older LMP versions that still do the job - that's important - so now it's time to look elsewhere for support

Exactly and all I need to do is restore the last edition of the software and go back to my own business. As far as I can tell Dean has abandoned this one. Not nice. It can trap newbies who think this is a live site. It's not. So to anyone out there reading this thread: buyer beware (nothing personally Dean if you're reading this, but without developer response and no tech support, paid or otherwise, the best thing you could do is stop selling the software and turn off all levels of order taking.)

Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
When you ask for free support, you get a model like this where the software dies in the end, or people end up providing support on their own. You have to choose what you think is better, with the LMP model, you purchase software, and find your own support, and have your solution.  With the Aweber/Getresponse model you pay a premium for the service and the support is provided.

Aweber/GetResponse may work for you it doesn't for me. There's a difference in approach between us. I don't want to be dependent upon a 3rd party. I want to purchase the software (like LMP), run it and only have to rely on my server and the developer.

Unfortunately in this case the developer failed me. It's happened before, it'll happen again. Personally if Dean is not going to keep this going then I know someone who can build a system to do the exact same thing, he's established, has great php based products already on the market and has his own core mailing system built. What he doesn't have is the GUI, which you and I both know is the least of a developer's worries. I'll be sending him an email with this thread in it and asking him if he'd like to JV. I finance the gig and he builds the software. We split the profits. Assuming he's interested. He probably has other development plans right now.

Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
PhpList is about the closest you will come to LMP, but it still lacks some features, there are others, and yes I've probably tried them, I would guess I've tried 10-15 different mailing list software programs over the last 5 years.

Yeah I have phpList here as well. Two problems I find are 1. It's open source (easy to hack and/or add crap to it) and 2. The support supplied by tincan would be of secondary nature since their mandate is "Tincan builds and maintains websites that enhance our clients' profile, income and online presence." These guys are not software developers. Better to find a package like LMP. It'll be out there. I research for a living (part of being a freelance writer) I'll see what, if anything, I can track down and keep you all informed. If you hear nothing, then I've found nothing - yet. At the same time I'll have my colleague take a look at the above JV concept. For every door that closes another opens.

Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
There is no easy comparison, Aweber/Getresponse have both raised rates to make their services expensive for many list holders. The best option is a white label version of Aweber, such as XMailPro, or ProSender. I've outlined all of this on my blog, you can read the article at:

Informative article but as I mention above it's not what I'm looking for. I appreciate you providing possible alternatives though. Unfortunately you don't know anything about our business so there was no way for you to know that it doesn't apply to us, but for anyone reading this I'd suggest you read Brett's article. You might find your answers there because we're sure getting nowhere here.

Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
So, you have my opinion.

Thanks. You have mine. Maybe between us we have given a few options and information to anyone who comes across this.

Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
What I feel is that many people up here are looking for free support, and it's not going to happen. As a developer I'm speaking the truth.  You don't dedicate your life to software development and not realize what is going on.  I've had numerous people ask questions and pick my brain for support and answers, but I can't do that for free.

Well, sometimes it does and it works. It depends on your planning. This place needs to do a leap but financially it sounds like it may be too late. Unfortunately, for some unknown, unexplained reason, that leap is not happening and Dean is abandoning not only his LMP users but also his hosted users.

I can't imagine the level of frustration those people have gone through. My heart goes out to them. Moving web sites is not easy. Restoring software, while risky, I'd rather do the later. For those of you looking for an excellent, however expensive hosting company you can contact me at subject LMP User and I'll hook you up with the guys I've been using all my sites for over the past 10 years.

Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
Knowledge comes at a price, you don't go down to the local garage and ask them to fix your car for free - it's a similar model, think about it, programmers are experienced, trained and they deserve to be paid what they are worth - so, you either pay someone for support at this point, or use one of the white label services I mentioned... either of these 2 solutions will get you where you want to be.

You're sounding like a pitchman Brett lol "Pay Dean damnit!"

Well. That's not the solution. I paid, got nothing. The people who were hosting sites with him, they paid, got nothing, someone else I read here purchased support, got nothing. So what we have here is just one more unexplained Internet blip.

Personally playing Sherlock Holmes and trying to figure out what Dean is up to doesn't interest me. I needed tech support for a product I paid for and I paid for the support. I received nothing more than a refund. That tells me that this business is either already dead or Dean has gone on one very, very long and extended vacation. I hope he sends me a postcard. {smile} Maybe he generated a mint of cash and retired? {smile}

Either way, I do agree with you that it's time to move on and find other solutions. In the meantime, use the old, stay still until you're sure you've found what you need and then migrate. It's all that can be done unless Dean suddenly re-appears. That though would be highly doubtful and his level of credibility would be shot to hell. I like Dean, but this is after all a business that he appears to have abandoned, leaving many people in a lurch.

Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
Good luck!

Best to you and yours.

Rowdy Rhodes
Site Director
Freelance Writing Organization - Int'l.
- Creators of the Instant Writing Resources Tool Bar
Use the tool bar files as a giveaway/incentive on your site.
- Est. 1999. 12,800+ members to date
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