Author Topic: Giving up?  (Read 58615 times)


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Giving up?
« Reply #45 on: July 28, 2009, 07:19:48 pm »
Hey Rowdy,

Great post, you've missed some of my points:

1.) I don't agree that Aweber/Getresponse is the best choice, it's a backup. In other words I run my LMP, and I double those subscribers over to XmailPro, that way when I have my own Mail Server problems it's not such a big deal, I'm not out of business and I can continue on, sort of....  I'm finding the click rate, and conversion rate from XMailPro to not even come close to what I can do with LMP - so watch for a followup to my article on my blog.

2.) Pay for support refers to me, or someone else up here that's interested in doing it, and not Dean. As a programmer, and with over 5 years running LMP I can help others who need it, but I'll need to be paid. I get people asking for this, that and the other, but by the time I respond (sometimes within 1 or 2 hours), they have hacked some solution together by themselves and on they go.... that's my point, they won't drop a dime to have someone fix the problem, so I'm just a sounding board, that's my point.  I'm thinking, maybe I shouldn't even reply to the emails, just ask for $20 PayPal payment, and then I'll answer the questions....

I do agree, it's not totally odd, and you're right, if Dean doesn't want to support LMP, he should just dump it, and let someone else take over.

I'm curious about the developer you know of Rowdy, can you PM me with that information, or is he willing to sell, but, if it's not tested and he's not into GUI, I doubt I would be interested.... one thing that's nice about LMP, the nice clean interface, and it works, one thing I can't stand about Aweber and GetRsponse, the interface is so big and bloated, you can't get to anything simple, like SEND A MAIL!  Yes, it is that bad... so, I have to say, I enjoy the LMP interface, and what I can see is just adding on more features myself to LMP, that would probably be the better solution, at least it will work the way I need it to work.

Well, I think that answers everything, hang in there, maybe next week, or month, or year LMP and the website will be gone!  Kind of weird though, if you're making money at something, you don't just let it lay there, my guess is Dean is losing his ass, not making money at LMP.  That's the part I find difficult to deal with, as many up here have made suggestions to him about monetizing LMP... I really doubt that he listened only to your opinions Rowdy, in fact ,he probably listened to several of us and took something from each, but if that makes you feel good - good for you...

I hope it all works out in the end...  I'll still be posting my thoughts, findings and comments on my blog.  I'm finding now that LMP is invaluable as a marketing tool, it's easier to work with, it works, and best of all, the click rate and conversion rates I get from LMP blow away anything I can get from XMailPro, GetResponse or anything else.[/url][/code]

*** I do custom List Mail Pro installations ***
Contact me through my website (above)


  • Posts: 48
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Giving up?
« Reply #46 on: July 29, 2009, 10:15:55 am »
Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
1.) I don't agree that Aweber/Getresponse is the best choice, it's a backup. In other words I run my LMP, and I double those subscribers over to XmailPro, that way when I have my own Mail Server problems it's not such a big deal, I'm not out of business and I can continue on, sort of....  I'm finding the click rate, and conversion rate from XMailPro to not even come close to what I can do with LMP - so watch for a followup to my article on my blog.

Ah. Understand. I'm just using my downtime waiting for the restore today to develop a couple of other items on the agenda. You know the old saying "A finished web site is a dead web site." There's always something on the plate.

Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
2.) Pay for support refers to me, or someone else up here that's interested in doing it, and not Dean. As a programmer, and with over 5 years running LMP I can help others who need it, but I'll need to be paid. I get people asking for this, that and the other, but by the time I respond (sometimes within 1 or 2 hours), they have hacked some solution together by themselves and on they go.... that's my point, they won't drop a dime to have someone fix the problem, so I'm just a sounding board, that's my point.  I'm thinking, maybe I shouldn't even reply to the emails, just ask for $20 PayPal payment, and then I'll answer the questions....

You want to support the software. Got it. {smile} Wish you luck. Without the developer odds are the sales will slowly dwindle to zero. You might make a few bucks in the short run, but even myself as an affiliate of LMP will be dropping the product. I won't put my reputation on the line when the guy who built the software has disappeared. If you want to hitch your wagon to that, well, that's your business decision.

Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
I'm curious about the developer you know of Rowdy, can you PM me with that information


Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
Or is he willing to sell, but, if it's not tested and he's not into GUI, I doubt I would be interested.

He sells other products now. Been in business for years. Many of his product have mailing capability built into them. Just not as sophisticated as LMP. To build an equivalent would take time and money and that's what I intend to approach him about as a joint venture. I'll wait a bit. Pretty busy with my own stuff right now and so is he, but we can start talking and if Dean comes back we can ease off. Can't hurt to approach him though. I've known him and done business with him for years.

Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
I enjoy the LMP interface, and what I can see is just adding on more features myself to LMP, that would probably be the better solution, at least it will work the way I need it to work.

You'd need either permission from Dean to sell it though or build add-in modules of your own that integrate otherwise you can't take Dean's software add stuff to it and call it your own. And it makes no business sense to do it for Dean if he's not around. So if you were going to add some bells and whistles they would have to be add-ins or just for your own use.

Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
Well, I think that answers everything, hang in there, maybe next week, or month, or year LMP and the website will be gone!

Yup, but it's not the first time I've seen it happen.

Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
Kind of weird though, if you're making money at something, you don't just let it lay there, my guess is Dean is losing his ass, not making money at LMP.

Well it is weird since he stopped taking orders and abandoned his hosting users. We'll probably never find out.

Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
That's the part I find difficult to deal with, as many up here have made suggestions to him about monetizing LMP... I really doubt that he listened only to your opinions Rowdy, in fact ,he probably listened to several of us and took something from each, but if that makes you feel good - good for you...

Didn't mean it that way. Meant that the one area of the software he and I worked on was the selection area. He didn't have a clue as to how list management worked in the non-cyber world. The selection section of LMP, if I recall correctly, he rebuilt a number of times because he kept missing the point of what was needed to make a very effective package target in on both geographic and demographic information. I know there were a lot of people making a lot of suggestions about various aspects of the software. I was here. If you were one of them and that makes you feel better about yourself, cool. Dean was far from alone or using just one person when it came to suggestions on improving the software.

Quote from: "BGSWebDesign"
I hope it all works out in the end...  I'll still be posting my thoughts, findings and comments on my blog.  I'm finding now that LMP is invaluable as a marketing tool, it's easier to work with, it works, and best of all, the click rate and conversion rates I get from LMP blow away anything I can get from XMailPro, GetResponse or anything else.

It always works out. Patience and perserverence are the key. Maybe Dean's even detached himself completely so he can come back with a LMP version that'll take down both types of delivery services. Who knows? Only time will tell.

Well, this will be my last post here. It was nice chatting with you. I've got too much on my plate to bat back and forth LMP and the future of list mailing software. I'll come back if I find something comparable or better or if my friend and I decide to joint venture a package together and we're looking for testers.

Best of luck Brett.
Take care,
Rowdy Rhodes
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