I've recently moved my list to a different host and now my dailymail isn't working properly. I have the script running in my cron jobs, I get the admin confirmation but it isn't sending the emails to my list.
When I manually run Dailymail from my admin login it works correctly.
I have only 2 emails in the list at present while I'm testing it, both are my own.
Here is my cron...
/usr/bin/wget -O /dev/null -T 0
http://www.xxxxx.com/mail/dailymail.php?pw=xxxxx 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
I have confirmed that my password is correct for dailymail. The script is running and it send the confirmation email to admin but nothing is being sent to the list and the delay countdown doesn't change. It stays on the same sequence number and delay 0.
Any suggestions?
Here is my daily report email
http://www.xxxxxxx.com/mail/Dailymail Report for 2011-02-03 00:00:03
Totals: 1 lists, 2 users (0 new), 0 followups sent
List 1: Fire Your Boss
2 total users (0 new), 0 followups sent