I had everything running fine with LMP, even though my website's hosting account doesn't allow cronjobs. I setup the Dailymail cronjob on another virtual server. Last month, I canceled that VPS account and needed to move the Dailymail cronjob to a new service.
I tried cronless.com, but the interface doesn't permit the flags in the cronjob, and it didn't work. I now have the cronjob setup on a Dreamhost server account:
wget -O /dev/null -T 0 http://www.mysite.com/listmail/dailymail.php?pw=MYPASS 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
(Scheduling is defined in a drop down menu.)
Dreamhost support confirms this is working, but Dailymail doesn't run.
Can you offer any advice for getting Dailymail and this cronjob working again? How do other people handle this who don't have cron on their servers? Is there another free cron service you can recommend that works for Dailymail's needs?