Author Topic: off topic - looking for php script for dynamic ad keyword  (Read 1985 times)


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off topic - looking for php script for dynamic ad keyword
« on: July 19, 2005, 03:17:05 pm »
I'm hoping that one of the PHP scripting wizards on this forum may know of a script (PHP or otherwise) that will allow me to tailor my landing pages to the exact keyword that the search engine person typed in.

That is, on Google Adwords, I want my landing page headline to match what they typed in.  

I am aware of a commercial service that does this -

Theirs is a service which you subscribe to, and use their server.  I'd much prefer to host my own script and not have to worry about my server being up, and theirs down.

My idea of how this works is the script will grab the keyword from the URL ?kw={keyword} when they click on my ad.

It then dynamically creates the web page, replacing the headline variable with the URL keyword.

I've searched for a couple of hours at the various script sites without any success.

Can anybody point me in the right direction ?




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off topic - looking for php script for dynamic ad keyword
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2005, 11:46:58 am »
Hi Mark,

My idea of how this works is the script will grab the keyword from the URL ?kw={keyword} when they click on my ad.

Yeah that sounds about right, but you need to do it with every page that reads it, sounds like a good place to use MOD REWRITE with your host software, Apache allows it, not sure about others....

Have a look at that, please post what you find, I might like to do this too, and it sounds promising!

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off topic - looking for php script for dynamic ad keyword
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2005, 08:46:19 pm »

Thanks for the idea, and that got me thinking.

Although I'm not sure mod_rewrite is going to help me much.  My understanding of that module is that it will allow you to map one URL to another.  Which makes me think that I would have to have a bunch of static web pages, and then route requests to the appropriate page.

What I want to do, is have one web page, but change the heading each time to match the heading that was shown them in Google Adwords.  That is, the heading would be a variable in the web page.

And actually passing the keyword along is close to what I need, but not quite, as I could have different ads show up on the same keyword.

Having a bunch of static, almost similiar web pages, each with a different headline is not the end of the world, I was just trying to simplify things.

I will keep thinking and if I mis-understood how to use mod_rewrite, please correct me.




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off topic - looking for php script for dynamic ad keyword
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2005, 11:01:09 pm »
Hi Mark,

Which makes me think that I would have to have a bunch of static web pages, and then route requests to the appropriate page.

You misunderstand MOD REWRITE, from what I gather you can dynamically re-write the URL output from any patter (like Regular expression patterns) in the URL input.  That should allow you to do it, I would guess, and would be the easier way to solve it...

MOD REWRITE is used all the time to help search engine optimizers do things like that...

If you find a solution post it up here, I'm curious....  good luck

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Mod-rewrite forum
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2005, 03:07:26 am »
I also know nothing about Mod-Rewrite or .dtaccess but I like the idea of being able to target my responders with specific headlines.

I came across this website which to anybody that knows anything appears to have it all !!  :wink:

I would be happy to help contribute towards the cost of a script if others were interested.
