Author Topic: Paid server support  (Read 2792 times)


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Paid server support
« on: December 07, 2008, 12:07:08 pm »
Hi Dean,

I submitted a paid server analysis report request some days ago. Haven't heard from you. It's really urgent. All mailings are being blocked by a 'can't find server' message since Nov 18. Affecting our business ssriously.

The  message is:

Warning: fsockopen () [function.fsockopen]:unable to connect to in /homepages/31/d38462904/htdocs/mail/editconf.php on line 1907

Could not find server!

The  SMTP is not configured correctly. check your settings.

Have spoken with new ISP (have just moved to the States)  AT&T who block all ports except their own. Have changed outgoing SMTP to their settings, but it needs SSL - can't see anywhere in the config panel on Listmail where I can input SSL validation data?  Still get samw message with the att server.

Have also spoken to our website hosts and they have done their best, but still blocked.

Please respond asap. Cannot send out our Christmas promotions which are critical to our business.

Don't know what to do next?  Use the php sending method?  How do I do that?


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