Author Topic: Problems importing some csv files  (Read 2248 times)


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Problems importing some csv files
« on: December 20, 2007, 07:29:06 pm »

I have a strange problem which I am not able to find a solution to. Perhaps someone here have a tip for how to solve it.

I am about to import several csv files, but are facing problems with some of them.

Problems appear to be LMP reading the first line as one word only, which disables me from selecting correct categories for the csv's.

I have some files from my GetResponse account and some from my sites over at SiteSell.

I am not able to upload any from SiteSell but have problems with only one from GetResponse.

I have checked the strings for errors and compared the successful ones with the fiasco-files, but can not find any differences. However, when trying to FTP them up to the domain I can see that the fiasco-files actually are displaying wrong - at least in the view mode at host. They displays double "" and the comma is located closer to the text (which is the value).

I have spent some hours now trying quite many ways to cut and paste and so on.

The SiteSell files is delivered with text I have to remove and thus I have to save it again at my computer. Could it possibly be that I am introducing  something by doing so?

I have an older version of Excel, but have latest version of OpenOffice, and have tried both.

Any comments would be highly appreciated

Thanks in advance

Best regards
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Problem solved
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2007, 09:40:48 pm »
Hi again,

I was able to solve the problem by uploading the untouched files to the host and edit them there.

Looks like the problem is caused by something I do on my computer in one way or another.

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