I have installed ListMailPro on my local PC so that I can test some code modifications. (BTW I am doing the modifications with DW's permission

). During installation, when populating the tables with the example date, I got an
Error inserting example config data.
After hacking around a bit, I managed to drill down to the underlying problems in editconf.php:
When doing the INSERT for $ctable (lm_config), I got
ERROR 1366 (HY000): Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'id' at row 1. The error seems to be assigning the value "TRUE" to a char(1) field. My modified code is as follows:
$cmd="INSERT INTO $ctable VALUES ('$xid' ,'' ,'' ,'".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time()-31536000)."' ,
'admin@$dom' ,'http://www.$dom$d/' ,'!' ,'link_' ,'10;desc;dadd' ,'1' ,'65' ,'$current_version' ,'' ,'
mail.$dom' ,'110' ,'bounce@$dom' ,'bounce@$dom' ,'' ,'0' ,'500' ,'4' ,'500' ,'3:30' ,'localhost' ,'25' ,'
1' ,'you@$dom' ,'' ,'1000' ,'1;0' ,'mail.$dom' ,'110' ,'you' ,'' ,'19' ,'0' ,'30' ,'60' ,'10' ,'10' ,'
1;0;0;0;0' ,'50;5000;10' ,'' ,'1');";
Next, when doing the $ktable (lm_links) INSERT, the error was
ERROR 1366 (HY000): Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'id' at row 1. This is due to setting the an empty string value to mediumint( 8 ) field. My modified code is as follows:
$cmd="INSERT INTO $ktable VALUES ('','ex1','Example 1','ftp://ftp.ex.com/pub/download.zip','1');";
echo "Inserting example link data.<br>";
mysql_query($cmd) or die("**Error inserting example link data.<br>$cmd");
Finally, I ran into the session problem with Windows XP discussed
in another thread. The solution provided in that thread solved my login problem.
I don't know if all of the above are Windows XP related, or rather related to my specific setup of MySQL or the specific version 1.87 of ListMailPro. Either way, I hope my post may be of value to someone else