Author Topic: Sending Error 354, Please help  (Read 4726 times)


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Sending Error 354, Please help
« Reply #15 on: August 14, 2006, 09:39:26 am »
Although I agree with the sentiment, I actually disagree with the remedy suggested by Brett in this case. (Sorry Brett..)
Although it would absolve DW and ListMail it would do nothing to help solve the actual problem.

I also don't think encryption is required or is any answer as it is most unlikely anyone resorting to polluting the world in this way is also unlikely to be competent at anything else yet alone understanding the code.

I do think DW is in the best position to:
Identify the sending location of problematic mailings such as when asked to assisting with sending errors etc..
Contact the owners of the servers involved to obtain assistance in resolving sending errors.
These are both legitimate actions for DW when resolving problems with server sending.!

I think, however, that anyone managing servers would be interested to look into large mailings that probably cause problems especially on a budget shared server.

In the event that the mail is identified AT THE SERVER as not being legitimate or against THEIR TOS, getting the server account removed at source without refund would be a better solution.

My previous suggestion of making mail inherently traceable back to the sender or server could be 'built in' to LMP and shouldn't be any problem for legitimate users.

Just stopping the use of ListMail will do nothing to solve the problem.
'Not in my back yard' is no solution.
Anyone engaged with immoral activities should be traced and held accountable.

Sorry Brett, but as with removing vermin, if you frighten them away they just cause a problem somewhere else. Leave food out to attract them and then catch and deal with them properly.

Oh... and sorry if this is in the wrong thread again...  :wink: