Author Topic: Suppression List  (Read 2103 times)


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Suppression List
« on: July 14, 2007, 08:00:56 am »
Hi Dean,

Long time, eh? Hope all is well in your world.
Life is extremely busy around our site.

I have a question that is not specific to LMP, more general to all of the members here who use their mailing list to send third party email ads to their list(s).

I'm trying to find out whether use of a suppression list is part of the CAN-SPAM Act and how it applies. What I'm looking for is the latest Act that includes reference to suppression list use. I have searched the Federal Trade Commission's site but for the life of me I can't find it. One would assume it would be there if it is law. There is a lot of talk and debate about suppression list use at the FTC, but the last post in their discussions was Apr, 2007.

Not too often we send thirty party solo ads, however when we do we use a template that has our header and footer as set out in accordance with the CAN-SPAM Act. i.e. Unsubscribe option, ownership and address information, ability to make direct contact with us, etc.

Yesterday someone wanted to send a solo ad and supplied me with a suppression list of 900+ names and asked me to compare it against our list and remove any matches. Anyone out there want a list of 900+ names? hahaha Just kidding - I promptly deleted it.

I then turned the deal down because 1. LMP doesn't have that comparison functionality, 2. the list is of users who do not want to receive email from the third party, and they wouldn't be - they'd be receiving an ad from us which under our TOS they have agreed to receive but the client insisted on the suppression, and 3. the additional time involved, even if there was cross comparison functionality in LMP, would force me to increase ad rates to cover the additional labour cost.

Where do I find the actual part of the CAN-SPAM Act that addresses suppression lists and states that it is a law?
Anybody out there who can help out a fellow LMPer?

Take care,
Rowdy Rhodes
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