Author Topic: which follow up did user unsubsribe from  (Read 1939 times)


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which follow up did user unsubsribe from
« on: August 06, 2004, 01:53:05 am »
"Also, if you use the option "Keep removed users in database but don't mail" and choose to view "Removed" users on the User Database page, you may be able to see what followup the user is expecting Next - so you could assume that they unsubscribed after the previous followup. "

The above is a reply to this previously asked question. But am I missing something the Removed area does not store unsubsribers?  At least not in my version.
Is there anyway of putting this information into the unsubscribe email report that is sent to the administrator?


  • Posts: 47
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which follow up did user unsubsribe from
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2004, 06:50:25 am »
The "Keep removed users in database" option is in the List Settings page, under Mail List Settings, in the bottom right corner.  Just check that box and then whenever anyone unsubscribes from the list, you'll be able to find them in the Removed users.

- Alan
- Alan

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All we need are the Keys.