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General Help & How-To / Re: PHP 70 upgrade
« Last post by msbree on November 08, 2022, 03:10:28 am »
Hello Support,

Will this latest version, 1.89, work with PHP 7.4.29?

thank you!
General Help & How-To / Re: PHP 70 upgrade
« Last post by msbree on June 03, 2022, 03:14:37 am »
Will this latest version, 1.89, work with PHP 7.4.29? 

Thank you for responding!
General Help & How-To / Re: PHP 7.4?
« Last post by msbree on June 02, 2022, 07:10:02 am »
I have the same question, and sad to read that no one has replied to this thread in all these months.

My server has been upgraded to PHP 7.4.29, and needless to say, my ListMailPro no longer sends e-mails.

Will there be an updated verison of ListMailPro so that it works with 7.4.29 ?  I've been using this program for many many years, and I'd be pretty sad to know it's officially EOL!   😢

I'm hoping my reply here will resurrect this thread!  I'm sure I'm not the only user impacted by this.

thank you,
General Help & How-To / PHP 7.4?
« Last post by mbabbitt on October 10, 2021, 10:24:51 pm »
Hi DW,

Given PHP 7.2 is EOL at the end of November, I'm posting to see if we can continue to use ListMail. Quite frankly, I know that I and others would be happy to pay for a subscription to be able to handle sending mail from our own servers. We have a list that is 30,000+ so going with a commercial service is going to be not only costly for us, but will require us to re-verify every one of our customers.

Have you tested ListMail Pro on more recent PHP versions and do they work?

Thank you,

General Help & How-To / Re: Schedualed emails stop sending
« Last post by mbabbitt on July 15, 2021, 12:44:43 pm »
Since my last post, every time we run a campaign whether scheduled or manual, the mailing stops after a few thousand are sent, leaving us to babysit the mailing until it is complete. I am guessing that ListMail Pro is abandonware at this point, but I thought I would try and see if any advice could be offered on something to check. We run our own bare metal server so it's not like the web host is the issue here.
General Help & How-To / Schedualed emails stop sending
« Last post by mbabbitt on April 05, 2021, 01:49:51 pm »
Recently we've been having an issue where, with the last 3 scheduled campaigns, ListMail's cron job would run, send some of the emails and then stop. The amount of emails sent before it stops is inconsistent. It has varied from 1/4 of the list to half the list before stopping.

There is a notice upon logging into the Admin CP, under the ListMail logo that ListMail "seems to be failing". However, there are no errors being reported in the Exim logs to indicate what is causing it. We have not, to my knowledge updated anything on the server or changed any settings prior to this happening. It seems to have started at the beginning of March, 2021 and continues.

We click the "Resume" button and it will stop again after sending to a few more thousand, and then repeat this until the mailing is complete (about 40k subscribers).

There does not seem to be anything in the ListMail logs either to indicate what might be happening.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

General Help & How-To / Re: 403 forbidden error comes out of nowhere
« Last post by DW on March 24, 2021, 04:19:02 pm »
Hi Tim,

In recent versions of PHP "mysql_" functions were discontinued and newer "mysqli_" functions must be used instead. To fix the problem, download the latest LMP files from the member area and replace your files, then browse to the login page to ensure any database updates take effect.

General Help & How-To / Re: Amazon SES new signature version 4
« Last post by DW on March 24, 2021, 04:02:35 pm »
Hi Wolfgang,

I think you may need to simply recreate the SMTP credentials in the AWS console. I found the suggestion here.

Note a comment on the linked answer says "Instead of creating the IAM user for sending raw SMTP emails on the IAM console you should instead create it on the SES console under SMTP Settings > Create My SMTP Credentials." which may be helpful.

General Help & How-To / Amazon SES new signature version 4
« Last post by ad on March 16, 2021, 06:59:42 am »
I was notifed by Amazon SES that I used an outdated signature version 3 instead of the now required version 4.
I have no idea what they are talking about as I do not know how to create a signature in email headers.
Since years I am using LM v1.89 without any issues.
I am connecting to tls:// port 465 with my Access Key and secret.
As far as my Amazon stats show LM still sends emails out but who knows when this stops.

Anyone here who could give me a hint on what I have to do?
Best regards
General Help & How-To / Re: 403 forbidden error comes out of nowhere
« Last post by hamot2 on January 08, 2021, 04:53:42 pm »
Hi Dean -

Thank you for your reply.

I have one other question for you now.  I am now getting a 500 internal server error.  The error in the error log says (I have replaced my server username and website):

[08-Jan-2021 17:30:23 America/Boise] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /home1/...myusername.../public_html/...mywebsite.../mail/admin.php:2954
Stack trace:
#0 /home1/...myusername.../public_html/...mywebsite.../mail/login.php(7): include()
#1 {main}
  thrown in /home1/...myusername.../public_html/...mywebsite.../mail/admin.php on line 2954
[08-Jan-2021 17:31:14 America/Boise] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /home1/...myusername.../public_html/...mywebsite.../mail/admin.php:2954
Stack trace:
#0 /home1/...myusername.../public_html/...mywebsite.../mail/login.php(7): include()
#1 {main}
  thrown in /home1/...myusername.../public_html/...mywebsite.../mail/admin.php on line 2954

What is going on here?  Is it something I can fix?

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