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General Help & How-To / Re: Special characters in v1.89 not correct
« Last post by DW on March 09, 2018, 12:59:31 pm »
Hi Wolfgang,

I have identified and fixed some problems with the release. Please replace your files with the ones from the zip available from the member Download page and let me know if you have any more troubles.

General Help & How-To / Special characters in v1.89 not correct
« Last post by ad on March 09, 2018, 11:30:22 am »
I encounter problems with german "Umlaute", like ü, ä, ö or special characterts like ß in the message body text (plain and html).
Apache Server with php 5.6.
The subject line is displayed perfectly including Umlaute. (as opposed to version 1.88)
However in plain text and html text of the message body all special characters are unreadable.
Example: "neuen Installation für UTF8"
As I said: Only in the message body, NOT in the subject line which displays "für" (correctly) instead of "für" (unreadable).

I changed the lines 78+79 in mimeclass.php replacing iso-8859-1 by utf-8 ... however this changed nothing.

In version 1.88 everything was messed up, subject line and message body text.
In version 1.89 subject line is perfect, but message body text is not correctly displayed.

Means: what has been done to have the subject line displayed correctly must be done in the same
manner for the message body text.
Then it could be usable.

Any hints?

Development, Suggestions / ListMailPRO v1.89 - mysqli and UTF8 support
« Last post by DW on February 20, 2018, 12:35:19 am »
A small but important update has recently been posted to the members area.

The update includes mysqli support for newer versions of PHP and UTF-8 support which allows sending in any language and should eliminate a few recurring issues.

To upgrade, replace all of your LMP files (except CGI scripts and the config.php file) with the new ones and browse to the login page so database updates can take effect.

If you have any problems with the new files please start a support ticket of the type "Other / Bug Investigation" for best results or post in the General Support forum.

General Help & How-To / Re: PHP 70 upgrade
« Last post by DW on February 20, 2018, 12:30:33 am »
Hey guys,

Please update to the latest version available from the members area which adds mysqli and UTF-8 support.

More details on the upgrade process are here.

General Help & How-To / Re: Amazon SES
« Last post by DW on February 20, 2018, 12:23:00 am »

It appears possible to send via Amazon SES by preceding the hostname with "tls://". See e.g. this post and others found via search.

Unfortunately, however, there may be some quota limitations that LMP can't yet handle.

General Help & How-To / Re: Message Disappears After Preview Sent
« Last post by DW on February 20, 2018, 12:12:10 am »

If you're still using LMP, please update to the latest version available from the members area which should fix such issues.

General Help & How-To / Re: PHP 70 upgrade
« Last post by mbabbitt on August 29, 2017, 04:18:45 pm »
PHP 7 is a significant upgrade from previous versions. I doubt very seriously that ListMailPro will work with it. It's unfortunate because everything PHP is transitioning there and I will be forced to abandon ListMailPro for another solution (also unfortunate because my list is over 30,000 and that spells pricey for MailChimp and Constant Contact). Hopefully, you'll get a reply, but given you've posted this almost 2 months ago... can't say I'm that hopeful.
General Help & How-To / PHP 70 upgrade
« Last post by Jon Watkins on June 30, 2017, 04:58:51 am »
Upgraded to PHP 7.0 and get this error when trying to log in.

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /home/online/public_html/news-alerts/admin.php:2953 Stack trace: #0 /home/online/public_html/news-alerts/editlists.php(7): include() #1 {main} thrown in /home/online/public_html/news-alerts/admin.php on line 2953

Since I know nothing at all about code I have no idea whats wrong.

What is the fix Dean other then going back to 5.6 I believe it was. Upgraded to 7.0 at the suggestion of word press
General Help & How-To / Message Disappears After Preview Sent
« Last post by Chuckman on June 06, 2017, 07:07:54 pm »

This problem occurs when I attempt to "Send an Email"

Upon entering  text and HTML message in the Message Composition area I click the 'Preview' button. The preview message gets sent and looks fine in the email client. But the original message disappears from the Message Composition window, thus preventing me from sending the message to my list.

I suspect I might have some illegal character in the message. If so I don't know what to look for.

Any help would be appreciated. :)
General Help & How-To / Amazon SES
« Last post by ad on May 11, 2017, 12:10:28 pm »
I have seen this topic in this forum but back in 2013.
My tests with LMP providing the SMTP credentials of my amazonses account
have not been successful so far.
It fails with username and passord. But I am using these credentials successfully
with another Autoresponder Software hosted on the same server. So they are correct.
This might be an issue with TLS method required by Amazon?

Anyone who knows?

Best regards
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