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General Help & How-To / Re: Where can I get the latest version of Listmail
« Last post by steve4 on August 15, 2016, 07:29:42 pm »
Hi again,

We get the following error while running dailymail:

Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'id' at row 1

Any thoughts on what might be the issue here? Looks like a database problem.

We are running the latest version of ListMail and PHP 5.4 and MySQL 5.6, it used to work on MySQL 5.5, but the new server is running 5.6.

Have you had any experience running Listmail on v5.6?

Thanks again!
General Help & How-To / Re: Where can I get the latest version of Listmail
« Last post by BGSWebDesign on August 10, 2016, 10:01:41 am »
Hi Steve,

The easiest way would be to sign-in to your account and download it, which you do at this link:

Let me know how you get along, if you're moving or updating there are several things you can do to tune your installation.

General Help & How-To / Where can I get the latest version of Listmail
« Last post by steve4 on August 09, 2016, 05:03:01 pm »
I bought Listmail many years ago and have version 1.87. I want to update it to the latest version 1.88 I think it is. Can someone tell me how to go about it please.
Thanks Steve
Development, Suggestions / Re: A way forward for ListMail
« Last post by BGSWebDesign on August 08, 2016, 10:46:52 am »
Hi Dean,

I've been looking around here, as I'm still using ListMailPRO and there are many features unmatched by any other mail software. I know you've posted some help and support, but I wonder if you are still planning on updating ListMailPRO? 

so it could be a few weeks or more until I have an update to announce, but it is surely coming.

It's been 3 years now since that post, and still no update.

Can you please fill in the owners & users of LMP if you are planning an update, and when it may come about? 

Server Optimization, Tweaks / Re: Delayed sending and Deferred?
« Last post by BGSWebDesign on August 05, 2016, 11:04:37 am »

DW, do you have any code to handle this?  (Yahoo Feedback Loop)?


General Help & How-To / Re: SMTP with Amazon SES Problem
« Last post by BGSWebDesign on August 03, 2016, 10:22:03 pm »
Hi Franklin,

Did you get this working with Amazon SES?  I'm interested in knowing if you had success with it, or not?  Also, which host are you using?  I would not attempt it unless I was at least on VPS.

General Help & How-To / Sending error. Check your mail settings.
« Last post by mbabbitt on July 26, 2016, 11:47:20 am »
Within the last month I've noticed that ListMail no longer shows me the progress of outgoing mail when hitting the "Send Now" button. I have a little over 30,000 subscribers but have been using ListMail for years with no issues. While it appears to be sending with success, I'm puzzled as to why it stays on the "Send Mail" screen now when sending. I've sent 3 email campaigns with this happening and then today I got an error I've never seen before. To my knowledge, no changes were made to the ListMail config or server (other than the normal cPanel updates).

The  text of the error is below (the 'x' is showing redacted):

Sending error. Check your mail settings.

Server said:
250-SIZE 52428800
250 HELP
250 OK

Any ideas?

Thank you,

General Help & How-To / Re: SMTP with Amazon SES Problem
« Last post by DW on June 24, 2016, 10:52:55 am »
Hi Franklin,

I'm not sure amazon is accepting the connection as there is no SMTP greeting in the log.

Try setting the SMTP host in LMP to tls:// and port to 465.

Customization, Integration / Re: What is the Significance of the UID Field?
« Last post by DW on June 24, 2016, 10:48:25 am »
Hi Michael,

The "uid" field is a unique 7-character string for each entry in the lm_users table. Certain parts of LMP rely on this being 7 characters, and the length, contents and existence may change in future updates. To identify LMP users I recommend using the auto-incrementing "id" field instead as it's unlikely to ever change. An option to use LMP with external userbases is to set up a synchronization script that runs daily before LMP's dailymail to import or delete external users to and from lm_users.

Customization, Integration / What is the Significance of the UID Field?
« Last post by mbabbitt on June 24, 2016, 10:37:26 am »
I'm trying to hook ListmailPro into Magento's email Newsletter option (to replace it) and only one field in the lm_users table alludes me: the UID field. Can someone please tell me what the correlation is to the 7 digit random string created and how it ties into the rest of the application? Can I populate that with my own User ID as it correlates to Magento's customer database?

Thank you!

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