General Help & How-To / How is completed set to 0 to start sending?
« Last post by BGSWebDesign on January 14, 2016, 06:56:20 am »Hi,
One last piece of the puzzle. For some unknown reason my Listmail installation has stopped working normally. What I've found is that the queue protection table lm_sendp gets loaded with the batch when Dailymail runs every day, and the 'completed' field ( lm_sendp->completed ) always gets initialized to 'q', which prevents the resume function from ever sending that mail, until apparently it gets set to '0'?
Here is the code in Admin (line 2831) that sets it to 'q':
I'm trying to locate the of code that sets the value of lm_sendp->completed to '0' so the sending can start?
Can anyone let me know where that code is - or if there is some other way that this value in lm_sendp gets set to '0' so that the sending can start? I've noticed if I manually set that to '0' everything is fine and the sending commences, but if I do not, all that happens is the queue gets loaded with all the Followups and other Dailymail mail, but never gets sent - it just sits there?
I'm not sure why this just started happening, but my guess is it might have something to do with PHP code running differently? I cannot think of anything else that would cause it, I've been running ListmailPro just fine for 12 years now!
Thanks in advance...
One last piece of the puzzle. For some unknown reason my Listmail installation has stopped working normally. What I've found is that the queue protection table lm_sendp gets loaded with the batch when Dailymail runs every day, and the 'completed' field ( lm_sendp->completed ) always gets initialized to 'q', which prevents the resume function from ever sending that mail, until apparently it gets set to '0'?
Here is the code in Admin (line 2831) that sets it to 'q':
Code: [Select]
mysql_query("insert into $ptable values('','".addslashes($bat)."','".addslashes($qtype)."','".addslashes($doformid)."','$now','$now','','q');") or die(mysql_error());
I'm trying to locate the of code that sets the value of lm_sendp->completed to '0' so the sending can start?
Can anyone let me know where that code is - or if there is some other way that this value in lm_sendp gets set to '0' so that the sending can start? I've noticed if I manually set that to '0' everything is fine and the sending commences, but if I do not, all that happens is the queue gets loaded with all the Followups and other Dailymail mail, but never gets sent - it just sits there?
I'm not sure why this just started happening, but my guess is it might have something to do with PHP code running differently? I cannot think of anything else that would cause it, I've been running ListmailPro just fine for 12 years now!
Thanks in advance...