Author Topic: A Perfect and Excellent Upgrade v1.7-1.8  (Read 11887 times)


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A Perfect and Excellent Upgrade v1.7-1.8
« on: April 27, 2005, 01:11:46 pm »
All I can say is thank you and WOW! all mumbled together because right now I have an abscessed tooth and it is causing me major grief, but the utmost pleasant moment of today, has been upgrading LMP from v1.7 to v1.8 and then going into the system to see what was what.

You have outdone yourself Dean.

As a long time user and, as one of your unofficial advisers to the development of user selection and extract functionality, you have created exactly what it was that I was looking for ... and it works!  :D

Other than some visual problems with the software where certain items don't line up properly on screen, Dean, this package smokes as a list management service system.

I can now contact my broker and let them know that I can extract in a variety of ways and supply them with the data that they so sorely have been asking me for or that I can send mail to specific users without bothering ones who I know will not be interested in  what is being sent. I can't mumble thanks enough times.

As always, ever since John Calder told me you were an excellent programmer and software supplier, you have lived up to that and more.

I want to thank you sincerely for the time and effort that you have put into building this new upgrade and regardless of what anyone complains or says negatively about the package in the future (and there are always some!  :lol: ) -- they're wrong! It's a smashing email address management system that is well worth the couple of hundred bucks you're now asking for it and it would serve all web managers well to grab a copy and get professional with their lists.

Take care Dean.

Rowdy Rhodes
Site Manager
Freelance Writing Organization - Int'l
General Manager
Inkwell Newswatch (IN) Ezine for Writers
PS Feel free to use this (edited or unedited) as a testimonial in any way, shape or form. I stand behind my opinion of ListMailPro privately and publically.
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