Author Topic: A sequential eNewsLetter  (Read 101842 times)


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A sequential eNewsLetter
« on: April 27, 2007, 05:37:54 pm » offers WEBconference services at fixed rate for unlimited number of meetings up to 25 participants integrated with Outlook and Skype. We use ListMailPRO to manage three bimonthly eNewsLetters: for partners, users and a public one. NewsLetters are not sent on a chronological basis like june edition. Instead, they are sent by number; volume 1, number 1, 2 and so on. A 60 days delay is set-up between two editions. 48 hours after registration for the public NewsLetter, subscriber receives number 1. If he or she becomes user, it is automatically removed from public list and added to users list. This way, each NewsLetter subscriber follows the same learning path we have planned. Isn't that  nice?

Michel Dionne, CEO,


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A sequential eNewsLetter
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2007, 09:11:28 am »
Sounds like Listmail Is doing exactly what you want it to do, yes that's nice!   8)

I use Listmail for lots of things...  Managing my 150K opt-in list.  My squeeze/splash pages to get opt-ins and run unlimited followups to potential customers / users.

Been using it Since October 2003.  When I first bought it, it was very slow to send to my list of around 150k or so.  I worked first hand with Dean to get the speed up to acceptable limits.  Well he actually did all the work, I just told him what was  happening with it on my end.  

Can't beat that with a stick.  Been using and loving it ever since!   :D