ListMailPRO Email Marketing Software Forums

ListMailPRO Email Marketing Software Forums => Testimonials, Feedback => Topic started by: chufford on June 24, 2004, 01:25:45 pm

Title: Everyone loves ListMailPro!
Post by: chufford on June 24, 2004, 01:25:45 pm
I have been using ListMailPro for a few years now. It was the only script I found out there that did so much. On more that one occasion I have demostrated all the features of ListMail to some "know-it-all" who thought they used "the best" list program. I tell them of all the features which ListMail has and all the features that are coming. I tell them of the great tech support. By the end of the demonstration, they have to admit that ListMail is superior to anything they've ever seen and they ask me how they can get a copy.

Thanks Dean!
Title: Everyone loves ListMailPro!
Post by: DW on June 25, 2004, 08:51:39 am
No, thank you Chris!  I can't wait until I have implemented every customer suggestion.  ListMail is going to make the competition work a lot harder for their money!   :)