Author Topic: Great job, Dean!  (Read 54694 times)


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Great job, Dean!
« on: September 17, 2008, 10:01:20 am »
Hi Dean,

I just wanted to post a little something saying how much I've loved Listmail.

I'm one of your early customers, the guys you wish you didn't lock into unlimited support for life for so cheap :p, but I'm definitely VERY satisfied and I've sent a lot of customers your way over the years.

I'm not a crazy large website or power user, but Listmail has done all I've ever wanted from it. I hardly come here because it's so rock solid. I'm not even sure what version I'm running and if it's the latest, but it's been so solid and done what I wanted I haven't cared.

If anyone reading this is sitting on the fence about purchase, go ahead, you will not regret it.

All the best,
