Author Topic: The Best I Have Used.  (Read 18611 times)


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The Best I Have Used.
« on: March 18, 2006, 06:41:42 am »
This has got to be the best list software I have ever used.  I have been sending an email newsletter out since 1996 now to over 150,000 opt-ins a week.  

I have used about 10 different programs / services for my list over the years.  And nothing can compare to power, support, and super low price of ListMail.

ListMail I have been using for about the last three years and it is the most reliable system I have ever used.

The best thing is that Dean constantly supports his customers.  He follows the industry and always posts tips for getting the max response out newsletters. Also, god forbid your host screws with something, Dean is always there for a quick answer.

Keep it up Dean, you rule!