Author Topic: Different Servers = Different Problems??  (Read 2739 times)

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Different Servers = Different Problems??
« on: November 01, 2004, 02:48:41 pm »
I am new to LM as I just purchased it 3 days ago and find everything so far great and easy to use.  The one question I have, and it seems like a big one, is as follows ....

Do different email servers pose different problems to the emails I will be sending out.  Meaning, when I send an HTML email to 3 different accounts (yahoo, adelphia, and outlook express) I get 3 different looking emails.  Yahoo is not getting the email at all (I am assuming this is because I do not have a dedicated server BUT I am getting one as we speak -- hopefully this will take care of the problem) outlook express shows up perfectly with no problems and looks exactly like how I created it, and then adelphia shows it all messed up.  The text is all double spaced (when it should be single) the hyperlinked text is all in colors other than what it should be as well as underlined when it should not be underlined.  Essentially, the adelphia ones looks very different.  

I am wondering for any direction on this and any help would be greatful.  Also, reading alot of these posts has me somewhat worried about AOL accounts.  I am assuming that all AOL accounts will just be going as test messages...?!?

ANY help would be great guys -- thanks
