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Development, Suggestions / Unsubscribe Headers?
« Last post by mbabbitt on July 27, 2018, 11:56:25 am »
I'm posting this as a long-shot, given the activity here has been sparse and replies are few and far between.

Does anyone know if it's possible to configure ListMailPro to send unsubscribe headers? This may help us with providers who are automatically blocking us because they aren't detecting an unsubscribe link (even though we've included it in every email). Now with GDPR implemented we're seeing a rise in rejected email.

Thank you,


Try preceding your SMTP hostname with tls:// or ssl://

If neither of those work a modification may need to be made to connect in a specific way or you could switch to PHP mail.

We have Open SSL v1.2 installed due to security upgrades and shutting off insecure cipher suites and it appears that ListMail Pro cannot connect to SSH any longer as a result. I'm now getting the following error:

"TLS error on connection from []:48106 (SSL_accept): error:140760FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:unknown protocol"

We cannot send mail without authentication any longer so sending plaintext is not an option. Does ListMail not yet support Open SSL v1.2?
General Help & How-To / Re: PHP 70 upgrade
« Last post by mbabbitt on March 26, 2018, 10:05:18 am »
Thank you! This will save us from moving to Mailchimp or other cloud-based solution! So happy you are still supporting ListMailPro because it is, by far the best-hosted solution available IMHO. We've relied on it heavily since early 2000's.
General Help & How-To / Re: Special characters in v1.89 not correct
« Last post by DW on March 18, 2018, 06:42:56 am »
Great, Not sure how that one slipped past me, and my browser. I'll update the distribution file.

General Help & How-To / Re: Special characters in v1.89 not correct
« Last post by ad on March 17, 2018, 08:03:10 am »
As far as I see, the solution is to replace in admin.php line 107 iso-8859-1 by utf-8.
Now the messages are stored completely, even with special characters, and the sent email shows character set utf-8 in it's header.

General Help & How-To / Re: Special characters in v1.89 not correct
« Last post by ad on March 17, 2018, 07:52:06 am »
Hi Dean,

seems I was too quick in judging.

I did a new installation from scratch taking your new v1.89 as released at March 9th 2018.

Installation created db tables in collation utf8_general_ci - fine.
Looking up the source code of the admin panel it says: content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1", hm.
For testing, since I already know the confusion, I used a text mixed with special charcters - ä, ö - in domail.php
Saving the text returns empty fields (as if I had not provided any input)
Reloading the message (it is nevertheless listed at the right side) it loads the message up to before the first special character, the rest is blank.
Looking up the database lm_saved it shows the input text up until before the first special character.

May it be that providing a text through a formular which is output in iso-8859-1 does just store the input in the utf8 database up to the point where the first non-utf8-encoded character shows and then it breaks?

I also notice, testing my mail server configuration, that the test email in encoded in iso-8859-1, even if I change the mimeclass.php lines 79+80 into utf-8!
This might generate more problems to come. But for now I cant advance with my installation as it already shows insufficient.

Any help would be appreciated.
General Help & How-To / Re: Special characters in v1.89 not correct
« Last post by ad on March 09, 2018, 07:10:36 pm »
 ;D ;D ;D congratulations, that fixed the problem 100%.
All special characters in subject line and message body are now displayed correctly.
Many thanks!
General Help & How-To / Re: Special characters in v1.89 not correct
« Last post by DW on March 09, 2018, 02:11:33 pm »
Hey WR,

It's not necessary to replace config.php

General Help & How-To / Re: Special characters in v1.89 not correct
« Last post by ad on March 09, 2018, 02:09:17 pm »
Hi Dean,
config.php must be replaced, I assume?

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