Author Topic: Check subscriber exists on a list, if yes, move to b list.  (Read 5223 times)


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Check subscriber exists on a list, if yes, move to b list.
« on: July 28, 2008, 01:59:54 pm »
Here's what I'm trying to do...

Three lists:

A = Prospects
B = Buyers
c = Multiple-time buyers

When someone makes a purchase, they opt-in to List B. They may or may not be on List A already. If they are on A, I want them removed when they confirm for B.

When someone buys a second time, they again opt-in to B. I want them automatically add to C instead.

How would I go about this in an efficient manner? I'm learning some php and MySQL, but right now I know just enough to be dangerous...


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Check subscriber exists on a list, if yes, move to b list.
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2008, 10:08:13 pm »
The List Settings -> Additional Operations section could be used to remove all additions to list B from list A.

There is a file included with ListMail at xtra/signup-xtra.php.  If copied to your main ListMail folder this script will run after each signup or can be enabled optionally when adding and importing users.  This script, however, does not help us as it runs after signup.  It will not know if the user was already on list B and overwritten (ie. multiple buyer)...

Instead of a third list it might be easier to use a custom field and then the "User Selection" feature to select multiple buyers from all buyers on list B.

I suppose the best way to accomplish this would be to modify your "thank you" script, which verifies the purchase, to check list B for an existing buyer and then set a custom field to flag the user as a multiple buyer.  The existing entry could be overwritten.  Unfortunately modifying unfamiliar scripts is not something I can guide you on remotely and I would be required to charge a fee for hands-on work.  I estimate that the customization and the assistance getting it working 'right' could be done for as low as $50.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Check subscriber exists on a list, if yes, move to b list.
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2008, 07:05:31 am »
Dean, that loud noise you might have just heard was me slapping my forehead.

I never even thought of simply adding a custom field. In fact, I could even track the number of times a list member bought. Adding two more custom fileds would allow me to track how recently their last purchase was made and keep a running total of how much they have spent.

I need to think a few things through, but your insight just made a project I'm working on more valuable. I'll let you know when I'm ready.

Thank you!