Author Topic: Customizing the Email Signup  (Read 5554 times)


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Customizing the Email Signup
« on: January 07, 2005, 10:31:35 am »
Is it possible to include a country drop down list in the email sign up?
Gail Cardell


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Customizing the Email Signup
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2005, 11:58:26 am »
Yes, you can have custom dropdown fields with form subscription.  Set up a field to use "user1" or Custom Field #1.  Note: Give this field a NAME in ListMail (List Settings -> Custom Fields) to activate it.


Country: <select name=user1><option value="USA">U.S.A.<option value="Canada, eh?">Canada</select>

This would enter "USA" or "Canada, eh?" into custom Field #1.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Once you have custom fields, can you?
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2006, 03:13:04 am »
I would like to create a survey whereby if they answer certain questions in the form they are signed up to a specific autoresponder series. This is about the only thread i could find on this topic (sorry if you have a topic posted already -- a link would be great).

for example: If one person I ask --if they are intersted in buying, and they say yes but they think it's too expensive (by choosing it in a drop down menu), they can be put on list #1 so I can say "Hey DW, two days ago you said you were interested in buying but you were concerned about the cost...)

And another might say they are interested in buying, but they think it won't work for them (they answer questions in a drop down box), so they are signed up to list#2 instead of #1 so I can say "Hey DW, you said you were interested in buying but you mentioned that you didn't think it would work for you... etc."


Thanks in advance.



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Customizing the Email Signup
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2006, 03:34:34 am »
You can do this simply be setting the List # in a SELECT dropdown.

Code: [Select]
<select name=list>
<option value=1>Group 1
<option value=2>Group 2
<option value=3>Group 3

You can also use radio buttons:
Code: [Select]

<input type=radio name=list value=1 selected>Group 1<br>
<input type=radio name=list value=2>Group 2<br>

...or checkboxes, but that would be more difficult (would require some post-submit JavaScript processing)

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Multiple Questions?
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2006, 03:36:27 pm »
How About Multiple Questions and sorting each one based on the answers they provide?

Sorry.. I'm not too tech savvy and having some trouble figuring this out... But I am determined to figure this out because I know it can be done.

I have a page where you can look at to give you a better idea what I'm trying to do-- (I put it on a web site that is not actively up and running so I'm not advertising it I promise).  

What I'm trying to accomplish here is the answers they give me are personalized and automatically responded to based on the "options" they choose in multiple drop down menu's.

So instead of randomly sending out an autoresponder sequence of messages trying to overcome EVERY objection a customer "might" have by guessing -- the answers they provide are put together into a unique autoresponder series.

so if you were to look at that page, you'll see that one question says "Are you interested in trying? Another question asked is "What is holding you back?" And they answer to both questions "Yes I'm Interested" and "I Need More Information" instead of choosing the other answers "no, maybe, I'm skeptical, Cost"

And based on their answers, they can be placed on a specific autoresponder (or sepcific autoresponders) series that is completely personalized by saying "Two days ago you said on our web site that you were interested in getting involved, but that you needed more information... so today I'd like to...etc"

Do you see where I'm going with this?

I'm having trouble here because on the survey, there are 19 possible answers they can give me for a total of 5 questions.

So you can see how the possible number of combination of answers multiplies.

Do you have any recommendations? Is this possible?

I'll be more than happy to clarify exactly what I'm trying to do here if you don't understand (But I'm sure when you look at the page you'll know what I'm up to)

This survey has to be completed, so any help or offer of services would be greatly appreciated.


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Customizing the Email Signup
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2006, 05:34:32 pm »
Hi Nathan,

That's pretty complicated, what you are trying to do is have someone COMPLETE a survey and based their entire autoresponder sequence on it, wow... ok, here's the difficulty,  you are dealing with 2 separate issues here...

1.) Survey
2.) Autoresponder series...

The easier way to deal with this is create a survey, that way you actually get statistical data on the results AND - at the end of the survey they end up on a page that automatically Subscribes them to your LMP autresponder.

Here's what I suggest, you run decent Survey Software, I highly recommend this one (UCCAS, it's originally written for goverment or military application but you can make it do whatever you want), it's free and easy to use AFTER you read the manual, here is where you can get it:

It allows you to do 'conditional branching' which means AS people answer one question - IF they answer it one way you can ask them something related to how they answered, IF they answer it another way you ask them sometthing different, when you're all done, the user ends up at the page that does the autosubscribe to the autresponder of your choice.

Good luck, have fun, you might need a programmer, but not for LMP, for figuring out the Survey Software conditionals, maybe, you can probably do it yourself, I can't say from experience as I am a programmer with 20 years experience, I had no trouble using it...

Good luck, let us know what you use and how it works for you...

*** I do custom List Mail Pro installations ***
Contact me through my website (above)


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Customizing the Email Signup
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2006, 08:36:00 am »
wow, branching is great for marketing in details. Great sharing.

Btw, any other great tool to recommend?

Webshaman always provide useful comment on this board, I started to fall in love on you :) lol