Author Topic: Modify all followups at once  (Read 4280 times)


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Modify all followups at once
« on: December 15, 2005, 04:44:46 am »
This little script will process the "text message" portion of ALL followups (on ALL lists) in order to add a !remove message code.  The string "!adbottom" is replaced with "!adbottom", two line breaks, then "!remove".

Copy the following code into a .php file, upload it to your ListMail folder, and browse to it to run it.  Be careful to only run it once noting that there is no output when the script is executed.

Code: [Select]
<?php include("./config.php"); include("./admin.php"); $f = mysql_query("select id,content from $ftable where 1"); while(list($i,$c)=mysql_fetch_row($f)){  mysql_query("update $ftable set content = '".addslashes(str_replace('!adbottom',"!adbottom\n\n!remove",$c))."' where id = '$i';"); }?>

For variations of this script please reply to this post. :)

Dean Wiebe
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