The section you want is around line 585 of dailymail.php
// check if moving to a new list/seq/del
You'll add something like this:
include('./fups-move-xtra.php'); // can contain $link2 database connection
Right after this:
I take it you are moving to a multiple list setup - one list per product. What I wonder is if you could instead simply update your payment processing software to automatically move the user to the "end of sequence" on the list for that product. Then you wouldn't need an xtra.php script - you could use the "move users..." option as-is to move the user to the next list.
Here's how to put the user at the end of sequence for a list:
// first, connect to the LM DB... then
list($lastseq)=mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select seq from lm_follow where list = '$list' order by seq desc limit 1"));
// turn lastseq into eos (end of sequence)
$lastseq = $lastseq + 1;
mysql_query("update lm_users set cseq = '$lastseq' where list = '$list' and email like '".addslashes($email)."';");
Should you use an xtra script and get it working as you like let me know and I'll add the inclusion permanently.