Author Topic: Unsubscribe when someone replies to my follow-up  (Read 10113 times)


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Unsubscribe when someone replies to my follow-up
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2007, 02:20:27 am »
Quote from: "DW"
If you can show me an example of how a live generated "Remove Link" looks in your messages (changing the Remove Links options can affect this...) I can parse that line for the users' ListMail ID... :)

Have you confirmed that you can forward email to CGI scripts on your host?


Yes, cgi is working.

But I dont use remove link, because the cgi will remove users, or I will remove they manually in some cases.

One option could be, that I include the their e-mail address in the body of my followup, so remove.cgi can search for e-mail address in body, then remove this found address.

I will use only this one address in my body, and no other @ sings, so it will be easy to grab the e-mail address.

So the remove.cgi search in body for e-mail address, if found one, then remove this address from my list, then forward the reply to me. (but I will check the "Keep removed users in database but don't mail" option, so do not delete users, only remove)

Is this good solution? (One disadvantage, that I have to include the receiver's e-mail address in the body then.)


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Unsubscribe when someone replies to my follow-up
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2007, 01:22:36 pm »
One problem with the approach is the user might not quote the email they are replying to... We can't guarantee anything about what the user will send back.

What about asking them to click a link which could contain their ListMail UID?  Are you set on having the user email you?

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting