Author Topic: [Dev] Modularization  (Read 4719 times)


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[Dev] Modularization
« on: February 14, 2005, 09:24:24 pm »
I have big ideas for modularizing parts of ListMail that are currently limited.

These include:

1. Followup Sequences

Will be able to create, delete, and add new sequences without applying them to specific list(s).  Will be able to apply the same sequence to more than one list.  Can provide more options, such as: auto-start another sequence, wait for more followups, loop current sequence, or move user to another list.

2. Custom Fields

Will be able to create an unlimited number of custom fields per list.  Will be able to specify the signup form variables to read for the data.  (no more user1 thru user10)

I tossed around the idea of using the SAME custom fields across lists, but it was determined to be too tricky an upgrade for those with many lists.  Allowing this would make it impossible for a 'seamless' upgrade because the customized variables (user1-user10) would only be able to be used once, we cannot assume which custom fields to "merge", etc.  Perhaps there is a way to work in "global" fields, similar to message codes, so we get the best of both worlds.

Custom field data will be moved from the lm_users table into it's own table for ease of management.

Upgrading: Custom fields will be created in the new system based on previous settings.  The (customizable) variables on each list will automatically become user1 thru user10 so that the system works exactly the same after upgrade.  User data will be moved to the new custom field data table.

3. Custom HTML

Will be able to create sets of Custom HTML and apply them to more than one list.  Will be able to specify which custom HTML to use by default on signup AND remove, AND have the option (via the form and remove link) to specify a different set be used at any time.

4. Custom Error Messages

Will be able to manage these better.  They will no longer be tied in to the Custom HTML table.  This feature will also allow you to customize Remove Confirm buttons.

I'm considering creating these stand-alone, with the ability to choose individual error messages on an as-needed basis.

5. Signup Forms

Will be able to securely save options to use with different forms through a "formid" variable, ie:

<input type=hidden name=formid value=myform1>

"myform1" will be stored in ListMail with options, such as:

 - choose list independant of form default
 - choose welcome/confirm independant of list default
 - choose Custom HTML independant of list default
 - choose error messages (or default to custom HTML default)
 - choose followup sequence independant of list default
 - choose required fields and their error messages
 - options for duplicate addresses
 - options for if user exists on another list
 - additional IF statement.  if certain var = certain val, perform any action above.

6.  Welcome / Confirmation messages

Will be able to apply the same welcome message to more than one list, if you like.  Will be able to edit these messages with Quick Load, (new) Admin Preview, etc options just like every other message.

You don't need to reply for me to know you like these ideas. ;)  If you have any comments, of course, feel free.

I'll try to release the other, more-requested, improvements I have finished, and am finishing, in the next week or two.  Once these more pressing issues are dealt with I can put in the necessary attention-to-detail for everything above.

Well, I had fun planning it all.  Now, back to work on a release. :D

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting