Hi DW,
The reason I envision a new data table is that I figured we would want to "save" the groups of users who were sent each message. his way we could later on send further messages that could rely on split changes in the previous ones. Doing this could also lead the way to a history of which messages have been sent to which users.
Yeah, I see, that's an interesting idea

- I'm not sure how necessary it will be, as I don't envision sending split tested emails to the same group with a 'different set' of split test messages. I suppose there may be some value in it...
If it helps you setup the Message Sent history, then go for it, but really, it may be more information then I need.... for example, I can't imagine needing to know EXACTLY which message was sent to which person, when it's more important that I know that 1,000 messages went to GROUP1, and 200 CLICKED, and then eventually, WHO BOUGHT, so, you can see the level of detail needed.
I would like to see something like this AFTER I do a split test mailing:
GROUP1 1000 200 5 .20 .005
GROUP2 1000 150 3 .15 .003
GROUP3... etc, etc, etc...
So, DW what you need to figure out is HOW to link up (for tracking purposes), the clicks through, using your current Link Tracking link - which would have to be ADDED TO - so somehow support the additional SPLIT TESTING information, for example, each Tracking link would have to have additional data appended to it to tell you which GROUP they came from in the split test, and also, you would have to have a way to provide an additional LINK tracked counter (on the Purchase page, something like an invisible gif or something) that could provide information that this person made the purchase... I can then get detailed stats on how purchases were made...
That would be perfect, as I could tell which changes in the message led to more clicks - and possibly - more purchases down the road, though most likely it would be the Landing Page that they are sent to that is going to lead to more purchases....
Can you see where this is going, SO, if you combine the methods above for detailed Split Test Mailings with the methods needed for Split Test Link Tracking, which we have not fully discussed yet, but that method would allow us to setup Split Test Links, in other words, I enter a message code, reference code, title and a LIST of LINKS to send the user to at random (using cookies you make sure that once the user visits the link they ALWAYS get the same link, or you can setup an option allowing the ADMIN to not use the cookie and always go to a random link) - and then you setup LMP so that it can track this link specifically, ALSO based on which Split Test mailing group it came from :wink:
That would be perfect, and I'm sure would provide you with a very great product feature/benefit that others cannot provide (that I know of).
The final table might look something like:
GROUP1 1000 187 5 .187 .0020
1 333 50 2 .15 .0006 .040
2 333 75 2 .22 .0006 .026
3 334 62 1 .18 .0003 .016
GROUP2... etc, etc, etc...
This provides the full details, since I get, CTR - Click Thru rate (clicks/#sent), CPR (purchases/sent), and the most important PCR (purchases/clicks). That way, the user can see exactly which mailed message (of the Split Test group) led to the most clicks (would need to see all the groups in the details above to determine this), and which Split Link within each group (STLNK 2 in this example) led to the most clicks, and which led to the most purchases (STEST 1,2 in the example) and which led to the most purchases based on the number of clicks (STEST 1 in the example).
Hope that helps and gives you enough information to complete this.... when can we expect it, any ideas, how's it coming along?