Author Topic: [Dev] Working on Part 2  (Read 3629 times)


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[Dev] Working on Part 2
« on: July 08, 2005, 09:39:40 pm »
I'm working on the next version of the site.  I have decided against the buy-a-template idea and am taking another stab at design. It's in progress, up and running here.  Set your forum theme to "Classic" to see how the forum might look (though, the forum header is a tad out of date - I have to get to that last of all. :)).

I think that the new "tour" and more straightforward content will result in more sales.  I also think the new interface is more pleasing to the eye - it's also more expandable.

My thoughts:
- Some well-chosen graphics to go with most sections of text.  The "Buy Now" page looks good, but the rest don't, yet.
- Something at the top, in the middle there.. maybe some animation promoting ListMail on the front, tour, and purchase pages, and something useful for members (possibly complimentary programs)  in the member area, online help (unfinished, will be redone), and forum (also unfinished, must be done last in case I add more menu items).
- Provide freebies with resell rights in the member area?
- Need to finish the client newsletter
- Need to finish the online help and forum

What do you think about the HotScripts thing?  It's not a link because I don't want people to lose focus of my site.  The stars and red text look cool and add some desperately needed graphical appeal... Maybe I'll just have that on the front page and no others.  I had an idea to set up an "About Us" section and include a list of several accomplishments.  I still need something up there that looks good.

Your thoughts?  It would be great to hear what you think about what I should do differently, change or add.  Your input will give me fresh ideas and support that will keep me moving and motivated to get it done.

PS I will be releasing another ListMail update very soon.  In the immediate future I hope to keep to a regular schedule of at least one update every 3 months.

Regards :)
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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[Dev] Working on Part 2
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2005, 10:41:31 pm »
Hi DW,

The stars and red text look cool and add some desperately needed graphical appeal...

Yeah, HotScripts up there looks good, you might need the link though, so others can verify your rating up there, and see comments, etc...

The colors are the same/identical as before.... where's all the 'Screenshots', I mentioned this before, I believe you need screenshots on this, all over the place, show off the 'selection' screens, etc, etc..  if you don't want them up front, consider a screenshot page, or at least put them on the Tour - yeah like the tour idea, very nice...

You should think about categorizing the levels of importance here and working on them in that order...
I believe #1 would be client newsletter working and get that out, you must be losing a ton of sales by not having your own newsletter!  

Determine other orders for rest of items needing completion and work through them in order of how you rank them, most important first, regardless of which ones you want to work on first... that's the best way to bring more income in  :lol:

Also, consider making your Buy Now link Red instead of Green, red is the color that gets people to action   :)

More Testimonials should link to a testimonials page, and not the Forum, so you can get people to read the testimonials easier (or the highlights).

Good luck...

*** I do custom List Mail Pro installations ***
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