I ran a stress test for the v1.82 upgrade process and couldn't find any problems.
1. I re-instated the old, failing, UID creation routine. In just 17,000 users imported I had generated at least 100 duplicate IDs with between 2 and 25 copies each.(!) I stopped it here, though I know some of you will have 100,000+ users...
2. I changed the DB version (lm_config -> cver) to "1.8" and re-logged in to initiate the upgrade. It took awhile, about 8 minutes and there were no longer any duplicate UIDs.
Gail, did your login/upgrade page show "Done!" and then present the login box? I suppose it did because if it hadn't you would receive the upgrade message again on the login page (since it updates the DB version last..)
I can't find evidence that this will be a widespread issue.. Did you, perhaps, do an import AFTER upgrading to the first revision of v1.82? As mentioned in a 2nd email, this could cause further duplicate ID's that need to be fixed by running the upgrade again (by modifying the version to 1.8...) As per my email, I'm offering hands-on assistance for those affected by the oversight as I expect it will be just a few users.
Man.. these little oversights can sure become time consuming, can't they. I won't give up - I'll be working on the next update, with more features and improvements (and bugs!
), as soon as I get this issue squared away. One day, heaven help me, I'll make a release without making a mistake.