Author Topic: [Fix] v1.8 upgrade, duplicate email error message  (Read 3432 times)


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[Fix] v1.8 upgrade, duplicate email error message
« on: May 04, 2005, 03:13:11 am »
A problem was discovered with the v1.8 upgrade resulting in all 'duplicate email' error messages being replaced with 'incorrect format' error messages.  

You will have to manually update all of the automatically-generated error message templates to contain the correct response.

If you have many lists, you can run the following MySQL query via PhpMyAdmin to easily update them all:

Code: [Select]
UPDATE lm_errord SET data = 'That email address is already subscribed to this list!' WHERE typ = 'email_dupe';
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Re: [Fix] v1.8 upgrade, duplicate email error message
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2005, 07:20:32 am »
Quote from: "DW"
A problem was discovered with the v1.8 upgrade resulting in all 'duplicate email' error messages being replaced with 'incorrect format' error messages.  

You will have to manually update all of the automatically-generated error message templates to contain the correct response.

Hi Dean

Glad I could be of help with the testimonial and past advice on how to create the selections functionality. I've tested the extractions and sending email to an extracted test list and it all appears to work well. Congratulations! You've got yourself one heck of a good list management package there my friend. I wish you great successes in the future with it and hope you will never be at a loss for cash flow.

About the fix on duplicate email error messages:

I don't have a lot of lists. Just a couple. How do I go about manually updating all automatically-generated error messages? I took a look in the software and the field for "Duplicate Email (Signup Error)" has the correct response message in it "That email address is already subscribed to this list!", so does the field "Bad Email Format (Signup Error & Unsub Error)" which contains "The email address you entered is in an incorrect format."

So where do I manually make changes to my list?

All the best,
Rowdy Rhodes
Site Manager
Freelance Writing Organization - Int'l
Inkwell Newswatch (IN) Ezine for Writers
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[Fix] v1.8 upgrade, duplicate email error message
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2005, 12:20:42 pm »
Was this corrected in the final release, DW?
I haven't found any errors either.
(I didn't actually notice this fix earlier either.!)


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[Fix] v1.8 upgrade, duplicate email error message
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2005, 05:22:00 pm »
I said "automatically-generated" because this is what happens during upgrade.  Existing error messages were moved into the new system, with a new Custom HTML and Error Message template being generated for each existing list.  Previously, error messages were stored along with the custom HTML for the subscriber error page.  Now, you can apply an HTML template and/or error message template to more than one list.

Rowdy, are you sure that ALL of your error message templates have the correct response in Duplicate Email?

Trevor, no, this was not corrected in the final release.  This is still an issue for anyone who downloads v1.8 now and upgrades. I plan to update the distribution ZIP today to prevent it in the future.

One thing to note is that the Default Errors will reflect the correct value for the duplicate message, but upgraded (generated) error-templates (named "List 1 Error Messages", for example) would/should not.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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[Fix] v1.8 upgrade, duplicate email error message
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2005, 04:46:14 am »
Quote from: "DW"
Rowdy, are you sure that ALL of your error message templates have the correct response in Duplicate Email?

One thing to note is that the Default Errors will reflect the correct value for the duplicate message, but upgraded (generated) error-templates (named "List 1 Error Messages", for example) would/should not.

Hello Dean,

I log in.
I go to List Settings.
I click on the "Errors" command button for the defaulting (first) list.
I look at the default errors and they are all correct, but they are not associated with the first list because I just saw that each list has its own list of errors and they are not all the same as that default list that showed up. I've made them all the same now.

It took a minute to figure out what you meant but I understand it now. For your users who upgraded, and only upgrading users from v1.7 to 1.8, the system created a proper default list, but it didn't overwrite any of the error messages for the lists I already had online (very clever Dean!), which means I had to go through each list (I only have a couple) and make sure all of the previously customized, plus the default responses were correct. I've got them all changed over now.

Thanks again Dean. As always your support services are exemplary.

Take care,
Rowdy Rhodes
Site Manager
Freelance Writing Organization - Int'l
Inkwell Newswatch (IN) Ezine for Writers
Freelance Writing Organization - Int'l

Free site hosting thousands of writing resources and links. 40+ genres, writers' funding, job listings, education, news, submissions, and more. Publishers of Inkwell Newswatch and Writers Site News. Professional writing resources for writers, authors, editors and publishers.