Author Topic: A couple of suggestions, Dean  (Read 3421 times)


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A couple of suggestions, Dean
« on: November 26, 2004, 10:07:19 pm »
Hi, Dean!

I'm going 3 years with using ListMail now and I can't be any happier with it!

But here're a couple suggestions I hope could be added in future versions of ListMail:

1. The ability to adjust the sequence # of users by mass instead of individually (e.g., adjust the subscribers on List #1 who are on sequence #1 to #3 or from sequence #4 to #3, in cases when mailing timeouts and dailymail is run several times because of server problems and adjusting user delays several times, and many not getting the follow up). I found that I needed to do this several times.

2. The ability to send scheduled messages or even send e-mail to users on a particular sequence # instead of to the entire list. I experienced that when I do this to a big list, my server times out. But if I can send e-mail or schedule e-mail to users according to the sequence they're in, it would be much, much easier!

Thanks, and looking forward to the next LM update!


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A couple of suggestions, Dean
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2004, 11:39:59 am »
The next update, which features complex rule-based sending, should have both of these features.  While it's not finished yet, I plan to expand the rules feature to allow one to perform actions beyond sending email.  You will be able to select users with the rules then perform commands such as updating fields, custom data, dates, followup sequences, HTML setting, merge with other lists, etc.

Thanks for your kind words and great suggestions.  If you like, post a Testimonial and include a signature so you get some free exposure to your web site!

Dean Wiebe
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