Author Topic: Dailymail going funny  (Read 4060 times)


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Dailymail going funny
« on: June 30, 2006, 03:47:02 pm »
The new software update is all working, I had no problem changing over and I like all the new features, except... one little bug that I don't think is my fault: the Dailymail has stopped sending its reports and instead, when I log in after 12 midnight, it has a 'mailing list stopped' readout at the top of the page with a queque of for example 116 messages (corresponding to the day's new subscribers I imagine) and is asking for Cancel or Resume. I just cancel and don't get the Daily report in my email. The new names are in the database and it's incrementing OK, but Dailymail has developed this new 'function'. Any ideas?

Peter Shepherd

Edit: This is with 1.87 beta. Sorry, should have been in that Topic, not starting a new one!


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Dailymail going funny
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2006, 10:21:00 am »
You should be able to safely Resume your dailymail queue.  In fact, I highly recommend that you do so that your subscribers don't miss any emails!  When you resume a dailymail queue to completion you will receive the expected dailymail report.

There may be a problem with SMTP on your host.  Are you able to send test messages to a test list and receive them at remote addresses?

Does your installation only send one or two hundred emails per day?  If you've recently increased your subscriber base, mailings might be taking longer.  Some servers have strict time limits on PHP script execution time, which can result in some messages remaining unsent and requiring a resume.  The timeout is usually set at about 30 seconds, however, so I don't think you would have a problem with just a few hundred emails...

Dean Wiebe
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