Ok, so I downloaded the latest version and went to look at the admin.php code just to make sure I had it right. The old code is still in there???
The code:
$narr = getnotifs($list);
if($narr[3]=='1') sendnotif('rem_bounce',$id,'',$msg);
still occurs AFTER the update/delete from table? Is there something I'm missing - or did you forget to update this DW? I know you said in another thread that the newest code was posted and corrected, but it doesn't look like it to me... I downloaded 1.77b, unless there is somewhere newer to get the code?
Also, I see that the changed code for signup-list1 is updated to grab the first name correctly so this must be correct code - how about a Version Code system, or some way to let us know of all the changes made - I've added my own modifications to the code and want to make the updates manually so I don't lose what I have.
There is another inconsistency I see - have a look at this:
if($narr[3]=='1') sendnotif('rem_bounce',$id,'',$msg);
and this:
Note how one comparison is looking for =='1', while the other is ==1 is this correct DW, or should both of these be one way, or the other, or is this related to the fact that you do an explode to get one of the options, and a getnotifs($list) to get the other?
Also, I don't like to keep asking this but WHEN are we going to see the update and the new version DW?
Let me know, as I want to make sure I have this right - messing with the Bounce Code needs to be correct.