Just playing around with 1.8, WOW, DW, this is great, the User Select Rules are incredible, well done
One thing that would be really, really, REALLY useful for me, and probably others too - would be an Export to List or Export to New List (and then ask me WHICH list to copy my old Settings from when the copy is made).
This is very important, also, it would be highly useful to have features for copying some records from one List to another List, while still remembering the User Sequence, etc...
NOW - here's one FINAL suggestion that would be the very best, I still need a nice Message Sent History list - it would be best if it was tied to the User ID, so that I could see every Msg that I've sent to that user, AND be able to include that in the User Selection, that would be the very best - if it's easier I don't think it's THAT important that I have a time/date of when the message was sent, just the message ID for that message in a field somewhere (IF it's a Saved Message), but, when I did a user Select I would like to be able to do the SELECT based on the Subject I gave the Message when I sent it - don't know how you'd do that, but probably would have to create a cross-link table to save the Message Subject Lines (referenced to the Saved Message ID)... also if it makes it easier, only create the history if it's a Saved Message OR if it's a Follow Up Message - that way you have the Message ID already available.
Any chance some/any of these can be added/updated to the 1.8? I believe this would be VERY, VERY Powerful! If I could just have the Export to New List, or Export to List it would help tremendously :wink: